Unexpected talents

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Requested by TonyStark_3X1000

Last week Kara surprised Lena with her engineering and mathematical skills...In short Lena found out that Kara is actually a genius. Plus, Lena may have mentioned if Kara had any other hidden talents...And boy does she have many.

Lena knew that Kara was talented in martial arts and combats, because she is Supergirl...But got rather surprised when she saw Kara observe an elderly man in the park, who seemed to be holding middle length sticks in each hand and doing a unknown martial art. Slowly she saw Kara copying a few movements and did a few hand gestures...As if she were trying to feel the movements themselves. And Lena was just astonished, she even started thinking that it may be that alien brains can process faster than humans, but then she remembered Clark. He is alien and also the famous cousin from Kara, but she did notice he is less talented in combats and in martial arts...She's not saying that he is terrible, but if you get to know both Super's then you would notice the difference rather quick.

For example: Both are reporters and even though Clark has been reporter much longer than Kara, Kara just seemed to have the talent in writing, she has the art and he has the craft, two very different things when it's about talent. But still they are both excellent ace reporters.

So it might not really be the alien brain.

And two days after their romantic stroll through the park, Lena found Kara in one of the DEO sparring rooms doing the exact same martial art like the elderly man. The Super had smooth movements, perfect balance and seemed to have mastered the martial art...That's when Lena got really gobsmacked. 'Are there any more hidden talents?' Lena thought to herself and was in complete awe. Plus, Kara event told her what kind of martial art it is: Arnis, the traditional martial art of the Philippines.

Lena just has this gut feeling that Kara has more surprises and that may be one of the things why Lena is falling deeply in love with her.

The next time Kara shook Lena was when they visited a music store, with Ruby and Sam. The teenager wanted to learn the guitar, and after renting a guitar and joining a few lessons, Sam agreed to buy Ruby her own guitar and it was actually totally coincidence that Lena and Kara joined.

So all four walked into the store and Lena was able to see the excitement in Kara's eyes. She didn't know why...She did know that Kara loved musicals and knew each of the lines by heart. But she didn't know why Kara had such an excited face when she saw the instruments. And then she saw Ruby and Kara walk around the store, inspecting each of the guitars. Time passed a little and Sam and Ruby were talking to one of the employees about the guitars, which one would suit for Ruby, and then she wondered where Kara has suddenly gone...That's when she heard soft piano tunes and a beautiful hum. Lena would recognize that voice anywhere, even if it were kilometers away.

Slowly she stepped into the large room, filled with Steinway piano's and wing's. Kara took the wing in the middle of the room and to Lena's eyes, she would treasure that mental image forever. The Kryptonian started to play: "Clair de Lune" by Claude Debussy. It's a famous classical piece and very beautiful. Her fingers were like feathers, touching each key softly and showing her emotions through the beautiful tunes the wing brought out. Kara had her eyes closed and even though she has the strength to break the Earth in half, she was so gentle. She expressed her feelings and Lena could feel and hear the love in them...Another reason why she was falling in love, madly in love.

She approached Kara and sat on the stool next to the piano, looking at her girlfriend in complete awe and love. The Luthor couldn't stop looking at the Super...The moment was too precious to ruin. Kara smiled when she felt Lena's presence and Rao, that smile made Lena's knees weak. The piece slowly ended and Kara played her final note, she felt soft lips on hers. "You never mentioned that you could play the piano." Lena whispered and made Kara chuckle. "I didn't? Well now you know." Kara teased and Lena just rolled her eyes in amusement, leaning in for another kiss. "You are really Super." The Luthor replied, pun intended. Kara just started to giggle and out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Ruby and Sam looking at them mouth agape. "Since when can Kara play the piano?" Sam asked and the couple turned their heads immediately, blushing like a tomato. "I started to play the piano when I was 14." Kara replied and got a nod form both Aria's women, who soon left the room. "What kind of talents don't I know about?" Lena asked and really started to wonder, she even started to wonder if Kara was doing this intentionally...Kara did mention that she liked surprising people. "Umm...I can play the guitar and probably a few other instruments...I love to paint and sold a few works of mine to Cat Grant and other people." Kara answered sheepishly and got a perfectly arched eyebrow from Lena. "So the painting you gifted me on my birthday was from you?" The Luthor asked and soon got a nod from the Super. No idea how it happened, but she got surprised once again. "I seriously think you are doing this intentionally." Teased Lena and made Kara chuckle. "I just like to surprise people, especially you babe." Kara whispered and leaned in to give Lena a soft kiss, filled with love. "You have so many unexpected talents Miss Danvers." Lena whispered on Kara's lips, causing her to smile.

And it's true, Kara does have many unexpected talents.

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