Don't touch her...

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"Kara! We need you at the DEO. NOW!" Alex yelled through the comms. Without even asking, Kara opened her window, ripped her shirt open and flew to the DEO. In record time she landed onto the familiar balcony and practically super sped to the control room. "Alex, what's wrong?" Kara asked out of breath. Now everyone in the facility was dead silent, the only thing that could be heard were their heavy breaths. Alex looked at her sister worried and Kara wondered what was wrong, why was her sister so panicked through the comms. All Alex said was: "Lex has Lena."

That made Kara's heart race. Even though they aren't in the best of terms, she still really cared about Lena...She will always care about her. "Where is she?" Kara asked sternly. Again, the place was silent. "Where is she!?" Kara asked, this time slamming her fist on the round table, making a hole into it. "We don't now. Look we are trying our best way, Kara." Winn said, who stopped typing on his computer and looked at the Super. Kara sighed, taking deep breaths to calm herself down. "Please find her, please." Kara said softly, as she looked at Winn, Brainy, J'onn and Alex with pleading eyes. "We will. We will find her Kara." Reassured J'onn and gave her a hug.

Eventually Kara had to calm herself, so she went into the sparring room and punched cement blocks, till there was only dust left. It felt like minutes to Kara, but it has been already two hours. The Super took a few deep breaths, till her sister barged in. "Kara, we found her!" In seconds she stood up and walked to the monitors, with her sister beside her. "Where is she?" Kara asked for the third time. "Supergirl. She is held captive in the old Luthor mansion." Brainy answered and showed the location via satellite. "I'm going." Kara said sternly and was ready to walk away, when Alex yelled: "Kara wait! You can't go there alone. You need backup and there is high radiation of Kryptonite...Please this time you will wait." Begged Alex. Kara was really debating, either fly away and not listen or listen and wait. Because every minute she waists, is worth time to save her secret crush. Again, she sighed in defeat. "Fine, I'll wait. Where is my Anti-Kryptonite suit?" Kara said and got a relived smile from everyone. Brainy handed her a tiny red box. "Here you go, Kara." Kara gave him a warm smile and mouthed a 'Thank you'. But it had an upgrade to it, it melted into her previous suit and became a part of it. "What? What?" Kara asked in confusion. "Ah, yes. Lena and I made an upgrade, so it will be part from your suit. So know it's always with you." Brainy answered. Kara smiled and gave him a hug. 'Thank you Lena.' Thought Kara in her head. "Kara we are ready." J'onn said and transformed into his Martian form. The Super nodded and within seconds, the Martian and Kryptonian were in the sky.

it took them a few minutes till they were in front of the mansion. DEO vans were already ready and agent's surrounded the whole place. Kara was the first to get closer to the mansion, but then suddenly a huge, black bubble formed around the house and everyone who was outside couldn't get in. Only Kara was inside. "Oh Rao." Kara breathed out. Then, out of nowhere weapons came out and Kara felt the stinging pain in her blood. "K-Kryptonite." She said and laid on the floor till everything went black.

When Kara started to get conscious, she saw the woman she loves...Lena. When she tried to stand up, Kryptonite cuffs held her back. "Ah, Supergirl." A familiar voice said. "Lex." Kara said in a dangerous tone. "Oh already in such a mood. My, my we haven't even started the fun, yet." Lex said, with an evil smirk on is face. "What do you want?" Kara asked cooly, through gritted teeth. "It's simple...I want you and Lena dead." He said. It only made Kara more furious. "Why Lena?" Kara asked, has she put her bravest face on. All she got was an evil chuckle. "Because, my dearest sister fell in love with a Kryptonian. And I hate Kryptonians." He said through gritted teeth and angry eyes. Suddenly Lena started to stir. When she opened her eyes, she was met by the Kryptonian. "Kara?" Lena asked confused, but was relived to see her. "Lena." Kara said softly. "Now I don't want to keep on waiting." Lex said cooly, with that evil smirk still on his face. "Since you both aren't broken enough...The best way to do, is to kill one of you in front of your secret love. So who shall it be?" He asked the last part so evil, that it was hardly to recognize a human being in his soul. "Take me." Lena said confidently. "No! Take me. You said you hate Kryptonians...So take me!" Kara yelled. Lex felt amused and put a tape on Lena's mouth. "I find it better to see a Super become a killer." He said and grabbed a knife, putting it on Lena's throat. Lena's eyes shot in fear and Kara's heart was racing. "No!" Kara yelled, as she tried to break free out of the cuffs. "How does it feel Kara? To see the love of your life, going to die because of you." Lex asked, as he pushed the knife harder on Lena's throat. Kara looked up at Lena and felt how tears started to build up. When she looked into those beautiful, Kryptonite green eyes, she saw Lena accepting her death...Which Kara would not allow. She would never allow it, because Lena deserves the world. Lena deserves a happy life, deserves to find love, deserves a family, she just deserves everything.

As tears started to flow down her cheeks, she built up the courage to fight. To fight for her Lena. "You can break my soul, take away my life, beat me, hurt me, kill me...But for the love of Rao. Don't touch her." Kara said confidently. All she got was an evil laugh form Lex, the psychopath who was obsessed with her cousin, who has killed millions of innocent people. "Is that so? Then let's make Lena a Luthor." He said and let go of Lena's throat, taking another knife that was laced with Kryptonite. Kara felt the pain now. The madman, put the knife onto her throat pressing it even harder, making her skin burn. Kara looked at Lena and saw her struggling to get out of those metal cuffs. She looked at those beautiful green eyes once more, sending a message with her eyes to Lena. "It's okay, I love you Lena Luthor." Whispered Kara. Lena stopped moving as she heard those words. Her green eyes started to cry, pleading for Kara not to say goodbye.

And that was the motivation Kara needed. "Any last words?" Lex asked, as only ager was written on his face. Kara smirked. "Testicles." She said and kicked him with her remaining super strength between his balls, that he was on the ground. Kara used her remaining strength to break free out of her cuffs. She then took the knife out of Lex's hands and threw it away. Then she super sped to Lena and broke her free. But then Lex pressed a button. "If I can't kill one of you. Then we will all die in here." He said. "60 seconds." A robotic voice said, as red lights blinked and the floor started to crumble. "And it's even Kryptonite." He said with a devilish grin. Kara and Lena were in shock. But for Kara, she learned one important thing form the Luthor's...Is to always be three steps ahead. "Lex, I think it's only one." Kara said with a smirk and held a vibe button. It was a gift from Cisco, so she can vibe through places if needed. Kara then pressed the button and jumped out of the place with Lena in her arms.

When they were outside, everyone were surprised to see them. "Oh God, you are both okay." Alex ran to them and gave them a hug. "Where's Lex?" J'onn asked. This time it was Lena: "Oh he's inside attempting suicide." She said casually. She didn't care anymore, that man wasn't her brother...It was a demon in his body. "Wait, how did you get out?" Alex asked confused and Lena turned her head towards Kara, raising a perfect eyebrow. "One thing I learnt from the Luthor's was to be three steps ahead." She grinned and held the vibe button, making everyone smile. Suddenly there was a big loud thump in the black bubble. "Looks like it exploded." Lena said and felt relived. She was happy now, to know that the world is safer.

Lena then turned to Kara and Kara turned to Lena. Their eyes met, ocean eyes and Kryptonite eyes. "You scared me there." Lena said. Kara chuckled and nodded. "And so did you. I'm sorry." Kara apologized. Lena smiled warmly and cupped Kara's cheeks. "My hero." Lena whispered and crashed her lips with Kara's. Rao they both wanted this so bad. Their lips were meant for each other, two perfect puzzle pieces. None of them could get enough of it. "I've waited so long for this. I love you Lena Kieran Luthor." Kara said softly and kissed Lena again. This time more soft and sweet. As they broke the kiss, Lena smiled bright. "I love you too, Kara Zor-El Danvers."

It took a near death experience to bring these two soulmates together. Before they wanted to give up their lives, they noticed that so much is still ahead. They still wanted to go on cheesy dates, spend time together, get married and a have family. They wanted to say so many 'I love you's' as possible...Because they truly belong together and want each other.

Sometimes we don't notice the value of a person, before they are gone. Appreciate the people you have around you. Don't take them for granted. Cherish the moments with them. Appreciate every moment with them, before it becomes a memory. You only live once...So love the people you love.

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