A Day at the beach

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"Come on let's go!" The twins yelled in unison. Kara and Lena, who were preparing snacks, just looked at their son and daughter. " Larsen and Lyra, while Ieiu and I are preparing snacks, you can load the things into the car." Lena said and the two blue eyed kids super sped away. "They are really excited." Kara said and pecked Lena's cheek. Lena started to laugh and Kara love it. "Oh Rao, we better get going!" Lena said, as she looked at the time. With a little help of superspeed, food for a whole army was ready. "Let's go!" Kara said enthusiastically and the couple walked into the garage. The twins were all ready and buckled up, both couldn't wait anymore. When their mother's go into the car and buckled up, Larsen said: "Too the beach!" Everyone started to laugh and Kara drove out of the garage.

The drive was about 30 minutes and everyone just sang along a few songs. When they arrived, Kara immediately parked the car and before she got out of it, she checked if she had her glasses on...Wouldn't want to reveal herself to the world. "Honey, this is my personal beach. You don't need your glasses." Her wife said softly and had heart eyes. Kara looked up to her wife and smiled. "Okay then." She said and took of her glasses. Larsen and Lyra jumped out of the car, gabbed their stuff and super sped to the beach. Kara and Lena chuckled. "Ten year old hyperactive twins." Lena said and made Kara laugh even more. It was a beautiful beach, white sand, turquoise blue water, large coconut trees and was rather peaceful. Lena bought this beach, because the water reminded her of Kara's ocean blue eyes.

"Mommy, Ieiu! Come on!" Lyra yelled. The parents got out of the car and headed towards the beach, hand-in-hand. The twins immediately jumped into the water and Kara chuckled. "Little Superheroes! You need sun creme!" Lena said and Kara raised a brow. "Sweetheart, you do know they are half Kryptonian and the sun doesn't burn them." Kara said with a matter-of-factly tone. Lena totally forgot she has twins, who have hands able to lift mountains or planets. "Totally forgot." Muttered Lena under her breath and Kara just give her a sweet kiss. "I love you." Kara said and looked dat her wife in awe. "I love you too." Lena answered and kissed Kara again. "Last in the water is a Kryptonian square!" Larsen yelled and Kara picked up Lena and super sped to the water, which made Lena yelp in surprise. "Ha! Larsen is the Kryptonian square!" Teased Lyra and Larsen sighed in defeat. Lena punched Kara's shoulder. "Ow." The older Super said dramatically. Lena just rolled her eyes. "Next time, warn me before picking me up and that did not hurt you, not even a little bit." Lena joked and pecked Kara's lips. Larsen and Lyra laugh and started to splash water onto their mother's. After a few minutes of splashing around and water fights...The parents came out of the water totally drenched. "Babe, we better get to the shadow." Kara suggested and lifted Lena bridal style. The Super laid her wife softly onto the deck chair. "Thank you, love." Lena thanked and kissed her wife. "Anything for you." Replied Kara with a huge smile on her face. When they both sat down, Kara took of her wet shirt, to reveal her white bikini bra and her steel abs. Lena could not take her eyes off those beautiful abs, even though she has seen them a million times. "Like what you see?" Kara teased and had now a smirk on her face. "Very." Breathed Lena out.

Suddenly both twins came back, with a..."Shark?!" Lena shouted in panic. "Yeah. Ieiu, mommy meet Bruce." Larsen introduced and their mother's had a horrified look on their faces. "Little one's the shark can't survive on land, we have to bring Bruce back." Kara said calmly am grabbed the eight meter great whit shark out of Lyra's arms. "Oh my Rao, how did you bring a shark?" Lena asked the twins and both just gave cheeky smiles."First, we had to fight him and he anyway lost...Because when he bit me he lost like half of his teeth. And then we grabbed him and carried him here." Larsen replied innocently. Lena and Kara just had a shocked expression. "It's at least nice to meet Bruce." Kara said nervously and walked over to the ocean and released the shark. "Do you think he'll come and visit us?" Lyra asked her mother's. "Maybe." Replied Lena and kissed each of their foreheads.

Just then, Lena heard three very loud growing tummies. "Food it is." Lena joked and instantly all Super's super sped to the table. When Lena brought out the, food and laid it on the table...Not even a minute and half of it was gone. "Here you go." Kara said and put a full plate in front of Lena. "Oh how sweet." Lena teased and made Kara pout. "Thank you." Thanked Lena and kissed Kara's pout away. The dark haired boy kept on eating Kale, while the dark headed girl had a disgusted look. "Gross." Muttered Lyra under her breath, while showing a Pizza slice in her mouth. "Hey, it's delicious." Larsen defended. Kara and Lyra just looked shocked and Lena was amused. "That's my boy." Lena replied and gave a high five to Larsen. "At least he likes Potstickers." Kara said and kissed Larsen's forehead, making him smile.

When there was not a single crumble of food left, all of them went into the water and had fun. They splashed around, swam, the twins challenged their Ieiu on how long they could hold their breath underwater, they went beachcombing, played volleyball and many other activities. "Let's build a sandcastle!" Lyra said and everyones faces lit up. "Okay, let's try to building the biggest sandcastle." Lena said and in a blink of an eye, Larsen and Lyra were back with buckets and shovels. "Let's do it!" Kara yelled like a child and made Lena chuckle. With the help of engineering skills and superpowers, they were able to make a ten meter high castle, which was actually very stable. "Look at that." Larsen said and had a huge smile on his face, showing his adorable dimples. "We did it!" Lyra squealed and jumped happily around, making her mother's laugh. "It's really cool." Lena compliment and pecked Kara's cheek. "Yeah it is." Kara answered and kissed Lena deeply on the lips.

After some more time playing and swimming,the sun started to set and the Superfamily made themselves comfortable on the soft, white sand. They gazed into the horizon, the sky turning from yellow, to orange, deep orange, red and then midnight blue. They are bale to see the different colors perfectly and stars started to come into sight. "Ieiu, where was Krypton?" Larsen asked curiously, who leaned his head on Lena's shoulder. Kara smiled warmly at the twins and her wife and pointed to the direction. "You see that light red star?" She asked and the twins nodded. "That's the sun Rao. And if you go more to your left and stop there were there's another star on top...That's where Krypton used to be." Kara answered and she saw how the twins eyes sparkled. Kara started to get all nerdy and explained things about the universe and different planets. Lena found it cute when her wife gets all nerdy. The twins were really interested and listened very attentively. After quite awhile, Kara and Lena  heard soft snores. "They are really knocked out." Lena said and made Kara softly chuckle. "We better head home." Kara said and picked up Lyra and Larsen. "Ms. Luthor-Danvers would you mind leading the way?" Kara asked and Lena gave her a smile. "It will be my pleasure Ms. Luthor-Danvers." Lena answered and pecked Kara's cheek, before heading to the car.

When they were at the car, Kara gently put the twins into the seat and buckled them up, giving a kiss and got herself ready. The car started and the Superfamily headed home after a fun day.

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