Catch me

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Notes: Lena is a criminal, but doesn't kill people and isn't like her brother.

Lena Luthor or known as the criminal, Huntress. But nobody knows that she was a criminal, except for Supergirl...Well technically not, she doesn't know her name, but has seen her face. The Luthor liked causing a bit of ruckus in National City. The motto that she was following was quite clear, live life to it's fullest...And that 's what Lena does. She loved the joyful rush in doing some crimes. But on the other hand, Lena also loved seeing a particular blonde heroine trying to stop her each time...Which she often failed.

It's not like she ever hurt anyone or anything, Lena just liked having fun and that meant no rules...Like who likes rules? If she didn't have any high-tech equipment with her, the Luthor would probably be a little less carefree, since being only human many things could hurt you badly. Luckily Lena's suit was capable of healing any injury and had different abilities: flight, strength, speed and teleportation. She added teleportation into her suit, since the other abilities weren't even near Supergirl's level.

Well, today Lena felt like going out for a ride. So, she broke in into a billionaires house and stole his most expensive car, which was a Bugatti. Huntress began speeding through the streets, dodging each car and making sure no harm was caused. It didn't take long and Lena heard police sirens through the city and saw about multiple police cars chasing after her. She also knew it wouldn't take long anymore for Supergirl to show up. Smirking to herself she sped up, avoiding cars and people along the streets. Of course Lena was in control and knew what she was doing, so worrying was not needed.

Not even a minute later she lost the police, but instead was greeted by the girl of steel when she turned a corner. Making sure not to scratch her lovely new car, Lena parked it nicely, got out of the car and removed her annoying mask. "Supergirl, to what do I owe the pleasure?"Lena asked and gave Supergirl a charming smile.

For a short moment Supergirl was silent and then sighed. "How many times are we going to keep doing this?" She asked and folded her arms together. Smirking to herself, Lena leaned onto the Bugatti and shrugged. "Well, until you either catch me, I die or I get bored of all this." Lena answered, who sounded that she didn't care. The Kryptonian stood ready to fight. "I guess it ends here then." She stated confidently. "If you want me so bad Supergirl, then come and take me." Lena said and winked at the Kryptonian. A blush quickly spread across Supergirl's face. Just as quickly, she shook her head and sped towards Lena, of course the Luthor teleported out of the way, ending up behind an annoyed Supergirl. "You know. Something is telling me you like this. After all, I don't event think you're actually trying to catch me." The Luhtor said and had a smirk on her face. The Super turns around to be met by beautiful Kryptonite eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about." She laughs nervously, which was enough for Lena to know. "You've been nothing but an annoyance, while I have more important things to do." The Super tried to reason, which she failed. Doing the eyebrow thing, Lena just smirked. "Then why are you here? If there's something more important you could just let the cops deal with me." Lena reasoned and caught Supergirl frown a little.

"Uh...Well...We both know they couldn't catch you, multiple times...So, yeah." Supergirl said stuttering. "Okay, then I'll just go and turn myself in." Lena said shrugging and pretended to walk away. "Wait! No!" The Kyrptonian pleaded. She faced Supergirl once again to hear what she was going to say...Well what excuses to say. "You're min- I-I mean you're the DEO's property. High-tech and all." She said in a stuttering mess and a huge blush crossing her face. Lena tried so hard not to smile at the massive blush creeping on the blonde's face. This time she teleported right in front of Supergirl. "What if I want to be yours?" Lena asked and bit her lip, while looking into ocean eyes. "Oh Rao." The heroine said out of breath.

The moment was ruined when sirens started to sound getting closer...Which meant it was time for Huntress to leave. "Well, looks like it's time for me to go. See you soon, love." With a final wink, Lena disappeared into a portal, leaving Supergirl a blushing mess.

It was quite awhile since Lena and Supergirl have last seen each other. Watching the news often, Lena knew Supergirl had her hands full at the moment, so she decided to stay low. She would have been more than ready to assist the Super any time she needed a helping hand, but Lena knew Supergirl was capable of dealing things on her own. That being said, any time Lena saw the Super flying off in full speed, she never went after her.

Today, Lena was just minding her own business, walking a long the streets and enjoyed the sun, no meetings and business calls. As said, no one has seen Lena's face aside from Supergirl, leaving the Luthor free to do as she pleased. With a nice hot cup of coffee in hand, being more absorbed into her phone awaiting any news about the girl of steel. What looked like, someone else also seemed to be more focused on their phone causing them to end up bumping into Lena. The Luthor quickly apologized, thankfully no coffee was spilled.

The other woman began sputtering apologies, which immediately stopped as she looked at Lena. The Luthor glanced at the blonde woman questionably, she seemed so familiar...Lena couldn't put a finger on it. "Is everything alright?" Lena asked politely. Snapping the woman back into reality, she quickly nodded and adjusted her glasses, with a nervous smile. "Um...Yes, sorry again. I really should pay more attention to where I'm going." She answered and Lena gave her a smile, "It's alright. No harm done...Have a good day alright?" Lena said politely and took a sip of her coffee. "Yeah, you too." The blonde woman replied.

Before the Luthor walked away completely, she faced the blonde once more. "And be careful. Not every stranger may be kind as me." Lena gave a charming smile, just going about her day...Not seeing the woman bite her lip in response.

Lena entered her luxurious apartment, she most certainly did not expect Supergirl to end up right in her apartment. The Luhtor jumped in surprise nearly spilling her coffee for the second time. "Gosh, what? Are we scaring each other now?" Lena asked, while walking to the kitchen. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, Lena." Supergirl said, failing to hide her smirk. The Luhtor finished her coffee and tossed it into the trashcan. "Congratulations, you know my name. I didn't expect to see you today. I haven't done anything recently, just minding my business and running L-Corp." Lena said and shrugged. The Super gave the Luthor a questionable gaze and folded her arms. "I know, why is that exactly? I was surprised when you suddenly went MIA." Supergirl said and squinted her eyes. Lena jus shrugged. "Haven't been feeling it lately."

Again, the Super gave her a skeptical look. "Oh, really? We both know that's not true." The Super said matter-of-factly. "Fine, you got me. I've noticed you had your hands full recently, so I decided to give you a break from me for now." Lena said, sighing in defeat and leaned onto the kitchen island. Supergirl laughed. "Oh how sweet of you." Lena just chuckled and nodded. "I know, I'm quite charming, aren't I?" The Luhtor joked and the Super's smile grew, but was soon replaced with a focused look. "Listen, Lena. My co-workers keep making fun of me for not being able to catch you. I saw you from a afar and now is finally the day this ends." Supergirl said sternly. Lena couldn't help but laugh. "Your co-workers huh? What did they tell you?" Lena mocked, making Supergirl blush. "N-Nothing." The Super stuttered out. "Well, as much as I appreciate your determination, I'd much rather sleep on my bed than a prison cell. Plus, I have a company to run." Lena said as she begun walking towards the living room.

Supergirl super sped towards Lena and to her surprise the Super knew where the Luhtor would teleport. She grabbed Lena by the collar and warm, soft lips were soon felt on Lena's, gluing her in place. "You're coming with me Miss Luthor." Supergirl whispered, with a smirk on her face. All Lena could do was nod in response. She was still in a daze from the most wonderful kiss she has ever received. Something told the Luthor that her life was going to be so much more exciting form now on.

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