It's the jealousy for me

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Requested by @Hosie_Clexa_Life

This wasn't how she imagined the evening to go. Definitely not. Rao, she was fuming with anger, how this strange woman was hitting on her wife. Yes, her wife!

It only got worse when this strange woman complimented: "Wow, these biceps are juicy." This strange woman was squeezing her Kara's biceps...Yes, Kara is hers and only hers. Kara seemed to be uncomfortable, constantly trying to back away, also not wanting to be rude. "Thank you. But I'm married." Kara said, showing her ring, hoping that the woman would back the fuck off, before her wife is coming here to rip this woman to shreds with her eyes. Lena Luthor's death glare is terrifying...Probably whoever suffers under it, prefers to be threatened by a knife.

But sadly, the woman only gets closer...

"I don't see her. And what looks like, she doesn't make you happy...Come on hot stuff, let me show you real happiness." The woman whispered into Kara's ear, and Kara had this feeling to bleach her ears. Lena was fuming with pure anger, soon breaking the whiskey with her bear hands..Well it felt like it. She knows Kara is a very, very, very attractive woman, I mean she has seen what is under those flannel shirts and slacks...Let me tell you, she could faint every time. And sometimes she wonders how she was able to marry a goddess, a woman literally who has fallen from the sky (I know, so cliché).

After hearing what this strange woman said to her wife, she put on her terrifying CEO mask and walked towards them. Seeing how uncomfortable Kara is, she chose to grab her wife by the waist, kind of showing 'She's mine, you bitches'. The Super let got of a breath and seemed to relax, knowing Lena was here. "Well, if she wouldn't have enough, she wouldn't have the urge to fuck me every night." Lena replied, making Kara blush like a damn tomato. The woman in front of them seemed to be absolutely shocked and traumatized at the same time. Looking into steel green eyes, which are literally screaming: 'One touch, and you're dead', the woman stuttered and apology and practically ran towards the exit.

Kara just chuckled, leaning her cheek onto Lena's head, since she's taller. "You look so hot when you're jealous." Kara whispered, and Lena knew that tone too well...Well, she's going to have sore legs tomorrow. Kara loves seeing her wife jealous, it's just...Flaming hot.

The next time Lena got so jealous, is...It's actually hilarious.

After some convincing, and literally making a powerpoint about: 'Why we should get a dog'...Lena finally allowed Kara to get a dog. They were looking through the shelter, searching for a dog to bring home. Kara was utterly excited, almost squealing out of joy, when she saw every dog. They looked through, playing with every dog and Lena now knew, why her wife was falling in love with such loving creatures. "Honey, look!" Kara said rather excited, holding a Husky puppy and a Australian Shepherd puppy. Both had the same blue eyes just like Kara, and after seeing them doing puppy eyes, begging to be adopted...Lena gave up and caved, even though she said only 'one' dog. (Damn those puppy eyes).

Kara was playing in their backyard with Sky, the hyperactive Husky and Sydney, the cuddly Australian Shepherd. Seriously, the dogs would follow Kara anywhere, even when she goes to the toilet just to wash her hands. And Lena, she finds it absolutely ridiculous, but she can't stop this 'little' feeling of jealousy...Like those fur balls are stealing her wife from her. She gets less attention from Kara, they can't really cuddle because Sky and Sydney are always between them when they sleep and she gets less kisses.

"Baby, are you okay?" Kara asked worried, waving her hand in front of Lena's face. Lena broke out of her trance, returning to reality. "What? Yeah, I'm fine." Lena lied, she was fine but not fine, fine. Kara did not buy it at first, but she knew her wife would open up to her when she's ready. "Okay, you know you can tell me everything." Kara softly said, giving a gentle peck onto Lena's lips. "I have to go walk the dogs. Don't want us to clean their mess." Kara said, before giving a kiss and grabbing the leashes. Lena just stood there, contemplating if she should tell her wife or wait till this ridiculous jealousy would fade away.

She chose for the second option. Everyday she hoped, that this absolutely silly jealousy would go away, but seeing Kara literally being with the puppies 24/7, she felt as if she were replaced. Don't get her wrong, she loves Sydney and Sky very much, especially the space puppy (Kara). But just not getting the attention like she used to get, felt horrible. It was like a cat annoying their owner to get pets, but despite being clingy and adorably annoying, they still wouldn't get enough pets.

The jealousy continued, that people started to notice it. Especially Kelly and Alex, who noticed Lena's jealousy, and both couldn't help but snicker at it. It even started to effect her work. Sometimes she would be grumpy all day, because she didn't have the chance to cuddle her wife...And according to Jess, a good cup of coffee wouldn't even cheer up the CEO of L-Corp.

Wo could believe it? The one and only Lena Kieran Luthor-Danvers, jealous because of two adorable dogs, 'stealing' her wife...Seriously this is something new.

Lena finally noticed that waiting till this jealousy would go away, wouldn't go away, and she had no other choice, but to talk with Kara about this...Silly situation.

It was a normal day in their penthouse. Kara had the day off as reporter and superhero, and of course she was watching TV, Sydney and Sky curled onto her body...The advantage of having a space heater. Anyway, Lena sat next to her wife and the puppies, immediately feeling a hand holding hers. Lena bit her lips, starting to fiddle with the hem of her shirt, a habit that she definitely got from Kara. Upon noticing Lena's nervousness and slight spike from her heartbeat, Kara knew something was wrong. "Honey, what's wrong?" The Super asked worried, giving her wife's hand a gentle squeeze. Lena took a deep breath, looking Kara dead in the eyes and said: "I don't know how to say this..." Lena's voice was trembling a bit, and Kara knew this was something very unusual. "It's okay, just tell me." Kara said softly, wanting to cuddle with her wife, till she remembered that there were two fur balls laying on her. Lena sighed, knowing there was no turning back. "This sounds so silly..." She laughed, making Kara quirk an eyebrow. "Don't get be wrong. I love Sydney and Sky...Bu-But I can't help feeling a little jealous of them." Lena finally said it and Kara had a rather semi mixed emotion of shocked and confused. "You're giving me less kisses and cuddles, especially time with me...Because you're with the puppies. And I feel like they are stealing you away form me." Lena confessed, looking everywhere but Kara. After hearing this, Kara couldn't help but laugh, kind of surprising her wife. "Oh my Rao...This is hilarious." Kara said through burst of laughs, waking up the puppies...Who both seemed unimpressed. "Oh love...I love you so much and I assure you, these fur balls are not stealing me away from you." Kara scooted closer to Lena, as the dogs finally hopped onto the ground. She gave a gentle kiss, which was filled with love. They both broke the kiss and looked at each other, soon bursting into laughter. "I can't believe you're jealous of two dogs." Kara said, wiping the tears away. Lena had problems breathing, because she was laughing her ass off. "I know, it's ridiculous...But I can't help it." Lena answered, after being able to breathe properly.

They soon cuddled together on the sofa, not waning to let go. Seconds later, Sky and Sydney joined the cuddles, curling up into ball next to Lena and Kara..The sight was absolutely adorable. Gently, Kara stroked her wife's black hair, getting a hum of approval from Lena. "Never ever give me less attention again." Lena said, mastering Kara's pout. Kara just chuckled, kissing Lena's pout away. "I love all of you, but my love to you is infinite." Kara replied, causing Lena's hart to flutter. "But seriously, it's the jealousy for me." Kara teased, getting a hard pillow to her face. "It's the not giving me enough attention for me." Replied the sassy Luthor...Sorry, I meant the sassy Lena Kieran Luthor-Danvers.

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