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*•~*what to do •*~
Saturday @6:35 p.m
i was currently in bed watching netflix cuddled up with lelani and meliyah in bed while the boys were on the floor watching netflix, i was kinda bored so i went on my phone and watched some TikTok's . I saw a group of people who were skateboarding and i remembered that i had mine . maybe we could go skateboarding.
" hey guys , can we go skateboarding pls?" i asked , " can you even skateboard ?" meliyah asked . " of course i can that's why i asked dummy" i got up stepping over the boys and went to my closet. i pulled out my skateboard from my closet and showed them . " okay then we can go" meliyah said . i jumped up in excitement . " everyone get out i need to get out of this dress ." everyone got up and went to their rooms. i went to my closet and put this on

after i got dress i just put my hair in a messy bun and grabbed my skateboard and keys and went downstairs

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after i got dress i just put my hair in a messy bun and grabbed my skateboard and keys and went downstairs. " GUYS HURRY UP" i yelled since everyone was still upstairs. i hear running down the stairs and see everyone coming down . we all left and put out boards in the trunk of the car and got in . matti played his music ofc . we drove for about thirty minutes because there wasn't really any local skate parks . we finally parked my car and got out . " looks like we're the only ones here" mattia said . " the less people the fucking better ." lelani said . we all walked up and started skating. there was a few times were we fell but i would literally laugh my ass off . " ale this is your 5th time falling" I said while laughing. " okay and this .... shit..is hard .. to keep balance !" ale said while wobbling on the skateboard. we where all having fun , i just love hanging out with the group . 

2 hours later
" im hungry!" i yelled because i was fucking starving. " let's go to Chick-fil-A" mattia said . we all grabbed our stuff and went to the car . we put our stuff in the trunk and got in .
" today was fun" lelani said , " it was , im getting in the pool when i get home idc." meliyah said . " i will be joining y'all" i said while driving to get food . " im going to sleep because im tired" alvaro said while ale and kai agreed. " what about you mattia?" i asked him , he looked up from his phone and replied " I don't know probably just watch some netflix or something" , " okay" . ever since he got a text from someone he has been acting weird but i don't really know what it's about .

we pull up to Chick-fil-A and go in to order . i ordered the nuggets because that is what I felt for and the group ordered whatever. we all sat down and ate . " guys i just remembered Halloween is in 2 weeks !" lelani said excited. " holly shit it is ." I said i haven't really kept up with the dates so i didn't even remember. " kai what you plan on being?" lelani asked . " i don't know" , " well whatever your going to be lemme match." lelani said. " I ship" i said and everyone agreed with me . " i don't even know what im gonna be ." meliyah said . " same , it's always this time that i always forget and try to do stuff last minute" i stated. " i heard this boy from our school always plans these halloween party's" ale said . " yeah that Jackson kid , the rich one whose parents are never home ." alvaro said . " he is a fucking douche and a fuck boy." meliyah replied. " but his party's are always the best ." mattia finally spoke . we finished eating and threw our trash away and went home .

we finally reached home and it was currently 9:00 in the night . everybody went upstairs and me , lelani , and meliyah changed into our swimsuit. the three of us went downstairs and went to the pool. " sooooo you have your eyes on anyone lelani?" I wiggled my eyebrows. " yes i do" she said shyly. " we already know who it is ." meliyah pointed between me and her . " who is it then ?" she questioned us. " kairi" we both said . "it's that obvious" lelani asked . " yes , yes it is" I said . " i don't know how to tell him , like im afraid he doesn't like me back." she said while looking down . " lani look at me." I said to her. " you can't be afraid of things in life , you have to learn how to take risk because you only live once . if you want something go for it okay ." i said to her softly . " okay" she said . " awww come here" meliyah said . we both went to her and she gave us a big hug . this is why i love them .

after 2 hours of swimming , we finally got out of the pool . I said goodnight to them and showered. I took a long hot bath because it was cold . after i got out the shower i brushed my teeth and did my skin care . I put my clothes on . i layed in my bed and watched Netflix for like a hour but I started to crave ice cream . I didn't have any in the freezer because these people ate it all . so im gonna sneak out and probably go live .


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liked by : mattiaphobia , user027839 , and 1

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liked by : mattiaphobia , user027839 , and 1.2k others
noty/n : so everyone is asleep and i want ice cream so im gonna sneak out and go live for you guys .

user93739: finally a live

y/nfanpage: BRING ME SOME PLEASE !!
devilsoulpurpose: get me some cookies and cream please

njtrio_.girls: Mattia is gonna end up coming.


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