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- mattias pov ( play song)

" momma can you help me with this please " i say struggling with my sleeve buttons . 

she grabbed my hand and started to button them . this reminds me of the time me and y/n were in new york . i miss it so much , that trip made me so happy . " all done " she says . 

" thank you mom" i give her a small peck on the cheek . i walked upstairs to grab my gifts for y/n and my keys . i packed a small bag because i knew that i would end up staying over there . 

" mattia please send me pictures and don't mess up the speech " my mom reminds me and i nod. i walk out to my car and put the stuff in the backseat . before i pull off i sent y/n a text letting her know im on my way . 

- y/n pov 

lover <3


im on my way !


okay see you soon

when i got the text from mattia , i was curling my hair . i really like the color that i chose , im surprise that i even went for it . when i was getting my nails done , the lady begged me to do something new with my hair and i gave in . my hair was originally light brown but i just went a little darker .

i put on my red victorious secret set and my white dress over it . i didn't put on any shoes because im in my own house . i ran downstairs and unlocked the door so mattia can just walk in. i sat at the table with his gifts behind my chair and waited for him to come in . 

- mattia pov 

i parked my car and locked it and began to walk up to the door . i knocked at first but y/n texted me and told me to just come in . as soon as i walked in there was flower petals on the floor and i guess im supposed to follow them.  

i walked further in and stopped when i could see y/n . " suprise shawtyy" she says and a smile grows from ear to ear . 

" y/n im supposed to do stuff like this " i say as she walks over to me and hugs me . " well that's to bad , i think i pulled it off " she laughs . 

" god you look gorgeous , im obsessed with your hair baby" i compliment her . yes her hair looks amazing , its make her even more sexy . i reach my hand to her face and pull her in for a kiss . it was kinda long because i didn't want to let go . 

" alright can we eat first " she releases and i small laugh comes out my mouth . we walk over to the table and sit down . 

" this smells good " i breathe in the aroma of the food she made and she spells so good. 

- 1 hour later 

" noooo he said to me that its my fault " she laughs . me and y/n finish eating an hour ago and all we are doing now is drinking wine and talking . 

" wait why did he say that " i laugh . " so my mom got me this swing set for my 11th birthday , that same day i begged my dad to build it so i can try it out . so he built it and i went on it , after like a few swings it collapsed right on his head ." 

" he started saying i was swinging to hard , it took us a few minutes to figure out that he was being lazy and didn't use the screw they gave him . i laughed so hard because he said to me 'those don't belong there , they are just extra screws we didn't need . mann that same night me and my mom couldn't stop laughing about it  " she laughs . 

i love how happy she gets when she talks about her parents . " okay , now i have a gift for you that's probably more important than yours " i say and i get up from the table .  

" maybe maybe not but i guess " she giggles . i walk over to her side of the table and pull her chair out and turn it to me . " dont get up stay there" 

i walk over to her gift bag and put the gift in my back pocket . 

i get on one knee and her eyes go wide and she tries to get up . " babe relax" i command but with a soft tone . 

" im not proposing .... well at least not yet " i laugh and tears already start to form in her eyes . 

" i know this isnt gonna be easy , its gonna be really hard . we are gonna have to work through this as a team , im doing it because i want you and i want you forever . you were given to me as a gift from god to go through ups and downs .  i give you this as a promise ." i pull out the black velvet box that hold her promise ring . 

" i promise that i will always hold you when your day isnt going as planned , i promise that if we ever get lost we will find our way back to each other . i cant promise that from today on will bring rainbows or that it wont bring dark clouds to hover over our lives . i can promise my everlasting devotion , my loyalty , my respect and my unconditional love for a lifetime . i love you y/n and always will " 

" i love you too mattia " she jumps up with her eyes filled with tears. she hugs me tightly and i pull her in for a kiss . this one felt ..... different . i have never been more deeply inlove with someone like this . 

" i love you so much words cant even describe it " she sobs and releases from the kiss . i take her right hand and put the promise ring on her ring finger . 

awww they are so cuttteeeee im literally cryinggg!!!!

you're my drug/ mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now