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3 hours later i wake up and we have landed in canada . i look over at y/n and she is peacefully sleeping . " baby , babe wake up " i say lightly shaking her . her eyes opened and she did a little yawn while stretching . she is so cute . we get up and get up from the seat and i grab our bags from the bin over our heads . 

we walk off the plane and go through security , and walk over to the exit . " babe how are we gonna get there " i ask her . " i got us an uber " she says smiley . 

" im so excited" she jumps up wrapping her hands around my neck kissing me on the cheek multiple times . " me too , but im about to meet like almost half of your family " i say nervously . 

" its okay babe they are nice i promise " and she holds out her pinky and wraps it around mines and kisses it . she so cute . 

we see our uber and put our bags in the trunk . we took so many pictures in the car and videos , and she looks so good. the driver takes a highway to get to her grandparents house and all i can say is the closer we got the more nervous i am .  


being here is bringing back all of the memories and nostalgia , i miss being here and im so excited for mattia to meet my abuela . she has always been another mother to me and i love her so much . 10 minutes later we pull to the front of my abuelas house . 

what i can say i love about canada is that it doesnt get cold until mid december so its pretty hot . i look over to mattia who has nervousness filled in his eyes . " hey look at me " i grab his hand and he looks at me . " i love you okay and they are too " i say to him me and him both suprised by my words . " i love you too" he gives me a kiss and we start walking up with our luggage .

i knock on the door repeatedly until she answers and i know she hates that . " who the fu-" she say opening the door and her eyes widen 

" suprise " i say with a smile and i give her a hug . " y/n , you look so beautiful " she say letting go . then she gives me a ' who is this ' look . " oh abuela this is mattia , mattia this is abuela" i say gesturing my hands between mattia and her . " hi " he says with a nervous smile .

" hello mattia , welcome " she says . he grabs our luggage's and walks through the door . then i see my cousin and she walks up to me and looks shocked . " omgggg is that mattia polibio " and mattia winces at her high volume .

" this is a joke , this has to be a joke " she say looking around . " layla he is real " i say . " what is he doing here ? ive had the longest crush on you since like .... forever " she says . " layla, mattia is my boyfriend " i say with a smile .  " i knew i shouldve went with you to jersey " she say looking sad and upset .

" okay enough about him give me a hug" i open my arms and she gives me a hug . " omg we have alot to talk about " she says and lets me go . i look over at mattia and smile " hey its okay " and i give him a kiss on the lips . " okay come let me show you your room " my abuela says and she leads us up the stairs and down the hall to the guest room . its smells like vanilla . 

" wow a room to ourselves " i say letting out a deep breathe . 

" and what is it that you are trying to say " he raises his eyebrows 

" we can stay up as long as we want " i say with a smile .

he tackles me on the bed and we start to kiss our mouth moving together in sync , then we get interrupted by his phone ringing . " fuck" he picks up the phone . " yes mama , we landed safely and we made it to her abuelas " he says looking with a smile . " okay mama ti amo " he says softly . 

" your a mommys boy" i say poking his chest  softly . he so soft with his mom and its literally so cute . he plants a kiss back on my lips completely ignoring what i said. 

" so what will we be doing miss y/n " he ask and i smile 

" alot actually " i say . 

you're my drug/ mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now