( play song )
- y/n
the movie finally ended but i couldn't focus on it because mattia was the only thing that was on my mind . i grabbed all of my things to go back home .
i put my blanket over my shoulder . ale let out the loudest yawn in my ear .
" shut up with your loud ass mouth " i said clearly annoyed . " shut up , im tired " he said back . i chuckled a bit and began to walk out . " im still hungry " i tell ale and he smiles lightly .
" pregnancy hormones huh?" he says and i giggle a bit .
" im gonna get a pretzel , ill be back " i told everyone and walked off .
" hi can i get one pretzel please " i said . " add a blue raspberry slushi on it "
" coming right up " the cashier said .
10 minutes later she came back and gave me my stuff . i took a sip of my slushi and walked out to my car .
" she knows i love her , but i just feel like -" mattia says . " you feel like what exactly? " i stop in my tracks . " oh okay "
mattias face was red and his eyes were red from all the crying . yes i am hurt seeing him this way but he deserves it . he doesn't deserve anything from me right now .
" hahahah you loved the movie right ?" alvaro chuckled scratching the back of his neck .
" nope , i couldnt really focus on the movie. there was to many lies going around " i nodded taking a sip of my drink .
yup mattia was talking about how he loves me the whole movie . he was being so fucking annoying , i dont know why he gets to feel sad.
" oh bullshit dont even start with me " mattia said madly . " why cant i start with you mattia ? WHY TF not ?" i said walking closer to him . he better not act like the fucking victim in this .
" YOU broke up with me , so shut the fuck up ?" he raised his voice . " guys lets not do this again "ale said worriedly .
i laughed , " excuse me ? dont play fucking victim now , you left me for 3 months and ignored me for two weeks before telling me , what the fuck did you expect?" i said getting a little bit closer .
" i didnt want to even hurt you " he cried . " but you did mattia , you fucking did . i blamed myself for two weeks thinking it was my fault just to find out you were going to some weak ass soccer camp " i shook my head .
" mattia , i love you . you let our friends keep a secret away from me , when you knew i would support you in it . so this is not my fault , its all yours . "
" well that weak ass soccer shit has done way more for me than you ever did " he said inches away from me .
" wow , fuck you mattia , i hate you " i said slapping him in his face . ive wanted to do that for a long time .
" y/n please calm down " kai said .
his face soften as he realized what he said , " i didnt mean it y/n" he said quickly . " yes you did , if you didn't you wouldn't have said it " i said causing my voice to crack .
he pulled me in as i was about to walk away . he puts is arm around my neck and tightens his grip . i hit his chest consistently .
" dont you dare touch me " i said hitting his chest . " i fucking hate you , i hate you , and all i did was ever love you " i yelled .
i continue to hit him in his chest until the boys pull me off of him .
" y/n please stop " kairi said pulling me away . i got out of his grip but alvaro caught me by my arm . " let me goo" i screamed
" wait what?" kairi said .
" what?" meliyah said .
they finally let me go , kairi and the girls looked at each other .
we all paused and it went silent . the cats out of the bag now . wow .
" your pregnant ?" lelani asked with tears in her eyes and i just nod . " there is no point of hiding it anymore." i shrugged with tears in my eyes . the girls walked over to me and held my hand .
" its his ?" katie asked quietly
" yes that idiot over there is the father " i pointed to mattia .
i heared footsteps walk over to me . " are you really ?" he said in a sad tone .
i unbutton my jeans jacket and reveal my bump . " omg " meliyah whispered. she touched my belly and started to cry .
" why didnt you tell me ?" he asked .
" fuck you" i say pulling the keys out of my purse . i felt myself being dragged again. " mattia stop fucking tugging on me i dont want to be any where near you " i scream .
" yeah well you broke that promise ." i said .
" im not gonna argue with you , let go " mattia said .
i threw my keys at him and walked to the backseat of my car . i dont even want to breathe the same air as him but here we are .
i hear everyone say bye silently and i wave back , i got into the car and just stared out the window.
mattia got into the car and looked into the rearview mirror to look at me . i cried quietly so he wouldnt hear me and he began to drive home . i dont even want to look at his face.
i just closed my eyes and let the tears fall .
quick message - this book is coming to an end soon but i am making a sequel. not gonna lie this made me cry a little and i hope yall did too , but we aint finish . i know you guys are happy for the consistant updates . yes some of these were in my draft and some of them i wrote last night while watching avatar the last airbender.
i love you guys and hope you stay safe . please drink water and eat . i love you bb<3

you're my drug/ mattia polibio
Fanfictiony/n moves to New Jersey for her senior year. 2 years ago both her parents passed away so she lived with her grandparents. She decided she needed to get away. When she did she never thought she would find ...... him... he was the one .