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(play song)

- mattia 

we finally made it to y/n house and when i looked in the backseat she was asleep . she looked so cute especially with her baby bump. 

wow i cant believe she is really pregnant. now i feel even worse. 

i got out the front seat and walked over to her side to open the door . i lightly shaked her " baby wake up , we're here" i told her . 

her eyes fly open and she rolls her as she sees me . she stepped out of the car almost losing balance and i caught her . 

" please be careful " i say grabbing on to her . she pushed me off and walked to the front door . i hear little sniffles to indicate that she is crying . 

i waited a bit to go inside because it been a while since ive came here . this place has alot of memories of us together and its really special to me . i will never forgive myself for hurting her . 

she is everything to me and im to afraid to lose her . tears started to form in my eyes and they rolled down my cheek . i walked up to the front door only to see y/n already went inside . 

as i walked in it felt different a lot lighter , it still had that vanilla scent that i loved . it was still clean . i walked around to go to the stairs and see all of our pictures still up on the wall . then i see pictures of the group and us together . i just feel like i made everything fall apart . 

i walked upstairs into her room to see her sitting on the edge of the bed . i walked in and closed the door and sat right next to her . 

- y/n

mattia walked in the room and sat next to me . i scooted further away from him and he just followed me . he shouldnt be playing right now . 

there was nothing but tension and silence in the room . i wanted to say alot of things but i cant do it . i dont want to argue and fight like that with him again . i dont like seeing him hurt this way and i know he doesnt like seeing me hurt . to late for that though . 

" you...you made a promise to be loyal and respect " i said in a soft tone . " you told me you will never leave me " 

" i know y/n and im sorry can you let me explain ple-please " he said with his voice cracking at the end . 

" talk" i said lightly . 

" when i first found out , i was really excited until i found out that i had to leave for three months. i wasnt expecting to go that long so i was kind of sad when i knew i had to leave you . i didnt want to tell you beacause i was afraid to see you hurt . i knew if i was gonna tell you , you would break up with me and i didnt want that . i know i was wrong and should have told you and i will keep on saying sorry and sorry until you forgive me " he cried . 

i believe him , i just dont know if i can trust him. 

" i believe you mattia , i just dont know if i could trust you again . i do love you and really want to get back with you but i need some time " i said . 

" i understand " he nods slowly . i hear quiet snobs . " mattia please dont cry " i begged. i got up and  stood infront of him . 

" look at me " i asked . he looked at me with those stupid cute ass eyes with tears in it . i lifted both of his hands and placed them on my stomach . he looked sad at first and then a little smile grew on his face . 

" wow , im gonna be a dad !" he whispered . " are you gonna keep it ?" 

" i dont know yet , but im really reconsidering my first option . if you can live up to your promise and i can trust you again that you wont leave , we will keep them . if not i will give it up for adoption " i say . " i know it sounds hard but i cant handle taking care of a baby on my own and i need you to be there all the time." i smile a bit . 

" okay , um hi little me " he talks to my belly . " yup this is your stupid dad here , i love you already and your not even born yet " he cries . 

he rubs my belly even more and pulls me closer to him . " god your so soft " i chuckled . 

"can we cuddle please ? i just need to be with you " he said . " no my baby needs space " i pushed him away . i walk over to my side of the bed and get in . " OUR baby to be exact " he says and i roll my eyes . 

he laid on the other side facing me , he lifted my dress and started rubbing my belly again . "meliyah is probably the happiest person right now" he laughs lightly and i chuckled .

" she is the one the manifested this on us , with her aunty having ass " i laugh . 

" i always said i wanted to have kids with you , but i wasn't expecting it to be so soon" he says . "well with god you never know" i whispered . 

" i love you and im sorry " mattia says softly . " i love you " .

" can i kiss you ?" he asked while looking at my lips . " go ahead " i said . 

he grabbed my cheek and pulled me in and we kissed . it felt like the first time we kissed . little butterflies grew in my belly and he always knew how to make me feel better. 


awww they so cute . anyways bye this is the last update for now . hope yall have fun with this cliffhanger for a while . i got some big sh1t coming . 

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