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" okay since we are all together now , i have something to tell you guys" i grab everyone attention . everyone looks at me confused and i smack my forehead . " no its not bad " 

" so since we are all here , plus you two , i decided to do something for us . " i add . everyone is still confused and looking at each other . " what is it?" layla ask . 

" i rented out a cabin house for the week for us to stay in . My place is too small for all of us , plus we have 2 more . i know you guys are probably gonna say ' you didnt have too ' but i did and its finalized . we can leave tonight or early tomorrow morning . and i not taking no for an answer " i insisted . 

everyone eyes widen and some are smiling . " well I'm going because she is mean and will kill me if i don't " kairi laughed . 

" im coming too " the girls added in and everyone else nods letting me know that they will be joining us . 

" so when do you guys want to leave ? its like and 2 hour drive " i stated .

" we can go tonight , i don't feel like driving early in the morning " ale sighs .

" okay , everyone can meet up back at my house . im gonna go to target and cvs to get somethings " i said . 

for the rest of the time being we just finished up are food and got to know each other . jessica and layla are getting along well with everyone and im getting along with robert and roshaun . one thing i can say is they are really funny . 


" okay so basically his crazy ex , from god knows where , just showed up to his game and told you all that shit " jessica asked and i nod . 

we were just having a conversation while walking around grabbing some food for the cabin . she is my bestfriend so i told her everything from when i first moved here . 

" yup , im not even worried about her and i trust mattia " i stated . 

" good . how was your birthday ?" she asked me , then everything that happened was just a big flow of memories coming back . 

" it was good , like really really good . i had so much fun ." i smiled and her eyes widen and her hand flies up to her mouth . 

" what ?" i ask and look behind me . 

" you guys had SEX ! and you cant lie because i know you " she whisper yells . a shock look plastered on my face and i start to feel embarrassed. 

" omg you did ! was it good ?" she asked grabbing a bag of chips from off the shelf . 

i bite my lip fighting back my answer , " yes ! it was amazing" i smile . 

" what did i tell you , its always the first time that's the best " 

" wait did i tell you i had a sex dream about him ?" i said and she choked on her spit . 

" REALLY?" jessica says super loud . 

" shhhh and yes it was so good . i didn't even know sex can do that" i said catching her off guard. " that means its big , and you guys have soul ties " jessica say and scrunch up my eyebrows . 

" what are soul ties ?" i question . see jessica is like a sex expert , unlike me . she looks into that shit and its kinda weird for me . everyday i was with her in canda she found some way to bring up sex in any of our conversations . 

" oh its like when you connect sexually with a person and they leave a piece of themselves with you and that starts to become apart of you whether if its good or bad ." she explains . 

this shit sounds serious , so i hope mattia doesn't fuck around and do shit he regrets . 

we finished shopping and walked to the cashier and checked out . we walked to the car and packed away the stuff in the trunk . 

" today is gonna be a good week . im here with my bestfriend and her friends , and im getting along well with everyone ." jessica lets out a breathe . 

in about 10 minutes we got home and took some of the stuff out the car , mainly the things that belong in the fridge only because we aren't leaving until the next 2 hours . mattia helped take them out and i followed him into the kitchen . 

" so how was grocery shopping ?" mattia asked putting water in the fridge . " its was great . i basically talked to her about everything that happened since i got here " i answered . 

" how did she take the news about your accident ?" he asked and my eyes widen . he looked at me and i cover my face with my hand . " you didn't tell her did you " 

" i am not telling her about that , she is going to be hurt and i dont want to ruin this trip for her " i whisper yell while pressing on the counter . 

" babe you need to tell her , its gonna make it even worse if you wait to tell her " he tells me . 

he is right , but i just cant do it . jessica will literally be devastated if i tell her about my accident . she will thinks its her fault because she wasn't here to protect me and i don't want her to do that . yes i feel bad for lying but im trying to protect her feelings . 

" i cant , im not doing that to her .... at least not now . it already hard for me because i still haven't even told my grandparents." i quietly say the last part and his eyes grow wide . 

" you didnt tell your grandparents either ? do you know how hurt they are going to be when they find out probably from someone else . the day you woke up you should've called them and told them ." he replies 

" exactly mattia that's the whole point , they are going to be hurt and i dont want that . then all they are going to do is stress and worry about me and i dont want that , i dont want them to think I'm irresponsible and careless with my life just like my mother and father ... that ... that is what i don't want " i growled while on the verge of tears . 

mattias eyes soften and he walks around the counter and wrapped his arms around my waist . 

" im sorry , i should've never bring it up . you tell her when you feel ready . its okay for people to worry about you , you don't always have to be alone in these types of situations , especially if it cost your life ." he whispers to me and places a kiss on my head . 

i release out of the hug and wipe my eyes . " i honestly still get over how big your house is ...." layla says walking into the kitchen . " oh im sorry am i interuppting?" she ask worriedly and i shake my head . 

" no your fine " i sniff. 

" okay , my only question is you have this big behind house and dont have no pets , why is that?" she asked with sass .

" honestly i dont know , ive always wanted a dog but i felt like it was too soon . i want one though , i wont feel so lonely when my boyfriends not here " i smile . 

you're my drug/ mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now