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y/n POV
we finally made it to target . i needed to get some snacks and stuff because i ate all of mine . i can't believe he asked me on a date ..... LORDDDDDD HELP MEEEEE IM FREAKING OUT . but i have to keep my composure. i really like him a lot so i hope this date goes well . me and Mattia are the polar opposite but something just makes me attracted to him i just can't put my finger on it yet . he is perfect for me . my last relationship just wasn't it . we were so toxic . he would argue over every little thing and it was so annoying. i just couldn't leave him . I was blinded by his love and i couldn't just say forget all we have . he would try to fight with me and force me to have sex with him and I knew I wasn't ready . then he cheated on me , that's when I knew it was time to leave him . i haven't seen him since and i hope I don't ever .

me and Mattia got out the car and walked into target , he held onto my hand as we walked in . i drawed back a little but he looked at me with a sad face ..... i couldn't help it . i grabbed onto his hand and we smiled at each other .
we walked to the chips aisle and grabbed some chips . then we went to get drinks and ice cream . as we grabbing ice cream some cute little girls came up to us .

1 girl : are you mattia polibio
mattia : yes i am
2 girl : I knewwwww ittt , didn't I tell you
mattia : of course you can !
1 girl : whose the girl ?
mattia : this is my beautiful friend , y/n .
3 girl : she really is pretty
aww they are so cute and sweet
2 girl : would you like to be in the picture y/n ?
3 girl : your to pretty not to
y/n : sure you guys are so sweet .

i walked over and got into the picture. we took a couple and said bye to the girls . im not sure what that was all about but he must be famous or something.

y/n : what was that all about ?
mattia : im kinda tiktok famous
y/n : oh really , I'll believe it when I see it .
mattia : okay here look , 5.2 mill
y/n : okay I believe you now , wow that like a lot .
mattia : i know and I love every single one of them .
y/n : that's good

we grabbed the rest of the stuff and headed to mattias house so he can grab his stuff .

mattia : okay ill be right back
y/n : hurry please because you always take forever.
mattia : that's you but okay

my phone started ringing and it was kai

olaf : where are you guys ????
y/n : mattias house to get his stuff
olaf : please hurry tf up , im bored and meliyah and ale are fighting over a fucking bag of chips .
y/n : LMAOOOO , he just went to get his bags .
y/n : can I tell you something but you can't tell the group yet .
olaf : sure what is it ?
y/n : Mattia asked me out
y/n : okay why tf you screaming so loud .
olaf : im sorry im so excited and happy for y'all . i got a ship name and all .
y/n : bruh when i tell you i slammed the breaks so hard .
olaf : can y'all shut the fuck up seriously , it's just a fucking bag of chips , fucking fatasses.
y/n : Lol he is coming ill call you when im outside .
olaf : okay

mattia came back in with his bags and threw them in the back seat .

y/n : took you long enough
mattia : i didn't even take that long .
y/n : yes you did but okay .

you're my drug/ mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now