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i was currently eating mcdonalds and watching netflix with mattia and kai . i havent ate in so long so i was happy that i had some food . im really still in shock of how and why this happened. if i caused any true harm to anyone i would know . if this was about cynthia , i didnt mean to send her to jail , she should have never tried to do that to me and i dont tolerate bullshit like that. i know she made bail and she was not allowed to come back here , but if she tried to send someone to kill me , i will fly my ass to canada and handle her myself .

" hey y/n how you feeling?" alvaro said walking in with ballons and a bear . " aww aloe you didnt have to , and i feel better." i replied in aw from the sweet gesture. " good , because im tired of being in 6th period alone." alvaro said and i replied with a laugh . " well im going to be out of school for a while sooo ... you will  be by yourself for a couple of weeks." i said , knowing im going to miss weeks worth of school work is stressful but my teachers should understand.

" i soon as i leave here the first thing im gonna do is take a cold shower and sleep." i said . when i sleep in this bed it is very uncomfortable and i just want to get in an actual bed. " can someone get my clothes , toothbrush , shoes , phone , charger , and my other stuff...... pleaseeee?" i said . everyone looked at me like i said something wrong. " fine we will get it" alvaro said , " umm no offense but i want to still feel cute , and yall will literally just pick up anything so meliyah and lelani can you go with them and get my clothes?" i said . " heyyy i can dress!" mattia said turning his head looking at me . i laughed at his comment.

everyone left except for me mattia , because he doesnt want to leave me all by myself . i at least though this week was gonna be normal but i guess i thought wrong . mattia was sleeping while i was just in my thoughts . in that moment all i could think of is i don't want to die . i tried my hardest to be normal and try to live my life , but i could've never done it all  because i always thought about my parents death . that morning my  grandma told me i couldn't captivate anything that was happening . everything just went dark as if someone turned the lightbulb off in my head , all i heard was faded cries and then silence. i cried and cried until i found myself in a place where i couldn't think for myself or i didn't have any tears left to cry . i didnt talk to anyone for weeks , i didn't eat , and sleep . i felt lost and alone without them , my mom and dad where the biggest source of lightness to my world , and the moment they were gone my world became deeply dark. " all this made me want to pee " i slowly got up from bed and took my crutches and went to the bathroom . 5 mins later i came out and saw mattia gone , " he must have went to the food court or something" i said to myself . i got back in bed and waited for him to come back , few seconds later he bust in the room scaring me . " oh shit you scared me " i said , " where were you ?" he asked worried . " i went to the bathroom" i said in confusion . " oh okay , i meant what i said about  not leaving your side" he replied.  " i know , i really had to pee and i didnt want to wake you up" i said.

1 hour later the rest of the group came back with my stuff . i put my phone on the charger and waited for it to charge . " the house was clean when we got there" meliyah said , i figured my dads crew would end up going there , i dont really know why they do but its better for me. i would always leave a tip but this time i wasn't there to do it. " nothing was missing , and everything just looked normal" meliyah continued . good , now i dont have to worry about anything being gone. " okay good , and thank you again , you guys really mean a lot to me" i said. " alright i got to head home mom is calling , anyone need a ride ?" meliyah said while giving me a hug . " yeah we got to go to" ale said getting up . " okay bye guys see you tommorow" i said waving to them . " okay lets go to sleep because i am tiredddddddd." mattia said dragging the d. he laid in the bed and cuddled up with me and 20 mins later of talking about random stuff we went to sleep.

" cant wait to get out of here"

" cant wait to get out of here"

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