y/n moves to New Jersey for her senior year. 2 years ago both her parents passed away so she lived with her grandparents. She decided she needed to get away. When she did she never thought she would find ...... him... he was the one .
" please dont embarrass me " i tell my parents who were preparing dinner for tonight.
" what kind of parents would we be if we didnt " my dad replied to me with a smile . i glared at him " normal ,normal parents dad" i said in a serious tone .
" i cant make any promises " my mom said and kissed my cheek . then the doorbell rang and i got nervous . oh fuck . i fix my hair before opening the door and my eyes made immediate contact with hers and of course she looks beautiful as ever . " hi bubs" she says greeting me with a kiss . " i can never get enough of those kisses" i said smiling at her . i looked down and she has a container of taquitos .
" babe you brought taquitos" her eyes than begin to fill with worry . " why you guys dont like it " she asked . aw she is so cute. " no we actually love it , come in " i said opening the door giving her access to come in.
" mama , papa , and gianluca meet y/n , y/n meet mama , papa , and my little brother." i said
" wow , your even more beautiful in person " my mom says and i sigh .she is already exposing me and we havent even sat at the table yet .
y/n gives me a small smile before shaking hands with them , instead my mom went in for a hug . lord this is gonna be a long night . " i brought taquitos i hope you like it " y/n says before sitting at the table . " we actually love it " my dad says before taking the container away from her .
" okay tell me how you meet " my mama says . y/n looks at me before she starts talking and i give her a smile .
" when i first go to jersey he was in my second period class , and he was the first person to greet me ." she smiled before eating .
" how do you like it so far " my dad ask before y/n replies she swallows her food ." it really nice just super cold " my brother laughs and i glare at him . " its gets colder than this " my brother says . we all laugh at y/ns reaction because she looks terrified .
" how do your parents like it " my mom asked and i almost choked on my food.
" mam-" i tried to stop her but y/n stopped me .
" no its fine , my parents died in a plane crash 2 years ago " she looked down and sadness fillied her eyes . " oh honey i am so so sorry " my mom said feeling guilty . " its okay mrs.polibio " she said looking up .
" they would be really proud of you " my mama said , " espically because you brought taquitos that were delicous by the way into a mexican household . " my dad jokes and we laugh .
a little bit later , dinner finished and my parents went to go watch their favorite show in the living room . we walked downstairs to my room and i laid on the bed . " they like you " i said causing her face to light up giving me that feeling that i felt when we first met . " seriously" she says smiling . " yes " i replied .
" im sorry about her bringing up your parents" i say while she lays on top of me . " its fine matti she didnt know " she said in a sweet tone .
" so you told your mom i beautiful huh?" she says getting up and giving me a smug smile . she looks so fricking hot right now . she is wearing a white off the shoulder dress that shows off her curves and some gold jewelry. not right now mattia
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" why woudnt i ? have you seen you " i asked causing her to rose up in the cheeks . " is she blushing ? " i said causing her to ide her face in her hands . i try to pull them away but she held on to tight . " babe stop " i said she took down her hands and relaxed .
she then makes a funny face and i smile . " aw your so cute " i say purposely just to see her blush again .
" babe your doing it on purpose " she whines and i smile .
" yes i am , its nice to know i have that affect on you " i tell her .
" i cant believe your the first person to ever ask me out " she says . " yeah first and last baby " i pick her up almost screaming she attempted to quiet me by putting her index finger on my mouth. we laid on the bed and talked to each other for a while .
" i wish that i met you sooner " i say to her , " couldnt say the same for you " she says jokingly .
" oh so you got jokes now " i ask , " yes i find myself to be very funny" she says .
" no your not , you have dad jokes . i on the other hand make me laugh uncontrallably " i say pretending to flip my long hair . " is that so ? enlighten me " she flips her hair and looks at me .
i started tickling her and she started laughing . she has the cutest laugh ever . " i want tickles " my little brother bust in my room jumping on my bed . " noooo get out , leave my girlfriend alone " i said .
" you better hold onto her tight , or ill snatch her up " gian says causing me to look at him shock and y/n to die out with laughter .