*knock knock knock *
its currently 9:34 p.m. and the others have finally got here . i ran to the door and greeted everyone , who had their bags in their hand .
" took yall long enough " i implied only because we were supposed to leave an hour ago .
" sorry it was ales fault , he drives mad slow " meliyah said giving me a hug .
before i let them in a stepped outside and closed the door . " hey its cold let us in " kairi wined .
" shut up , anyways .... i havent told layla or jessica about my accident so if you guys can do me a favor and not bring it up . kai dont even think about arguing with me because your bestfriend tried already " i asked them and they all nod .
we all walked inside mattia was in the kitchen drinking water and layla and jessi were on the couch . i walked upstairs and grabbed me and mattias luggage and brought them back down . it was cold so everyone had on a jacket .
" okay so who is riding with who ?" mattia asked grabbing my car keys .
" me and ale want to ride with you guys " katie says .
" i want to ride with alvaro " layla states and i choke on my water .
" so basically ale , katie , jessica , me and y/n in one car and then alvaro , layla , robert , meliyah , roshaun , kai , and lelani in one " mattia says .
" all them people in one damn car , hell no . " kai complains .
" kai your always complaining about something " i stated and he rolls his eyes .
i turn of all the lights and everyone walk out the house , the only lights visible are the driveway lights .
" oh wait , is it okay if jackson come , i can just send him the address and he can meet us there" meliyah asked and i nod .
i walked to the car while mattia put our bags in the trunk . i sit in the passanger seat and turn on the heater in the car . " jesus its so fucking cold " i shiver while mattia gets into the drivers seat .
" babe your always complaining about the cold " mattia says pushing the start engine ." beacuse it is what do you expect " i say crossing my arms .
before the rest get in the car a grab my blanket from the backseat and wrap my self in while mattia looks at me . a small smile creeps on his face as he watches me get comfortable .
" your so cute " he admires and kisses my cheek .
everyone else finally gets in the car and gets settled in . the other car pulls out of the driveway and so do we .
mattia connects his phone and doja cat so high started playing .
( play song)
mattia turns the radio as i lean back in my seat , he taps my shoulder and holds his hand out . i took my hand from under the blanket and held his hand . he gave it a tight squeeze and kissed it. when he held my hand i felt butterflies from it and i started to feel quezzy. the little things this man does to me causes me to feel things i haven't before.
his love awakens my soul and it makes me want to reach for more . when im with him , its like im in heaven and nothing else matters to me . all i have ever wanted was someone like him in life and i got it . i feel like no matter where i go , we will always find our way back to each other . i love him so much and nothing truly made sense until he came in my life .
" i love you " i admit to him causing a smile to form on his face . i look in the back of me to check on everyone else . jessica is practically asleep and katie and ale are on their phones .
i turn back around and try to get some sleep . i close my eyes and try to drift away .
" you get me so h-h-high , so high " ale sings only to sound like nails on a chalk bored waking up jessica .
i turn down the radio and look back at him " bro what tf is wrong with you?" i asked
" who sings this song ?" i questioned
" doja cat tf " he answers
" exactly , leave it to her and stfu . no wonder you and kairi are friends " i roll my eyes causing mattia to laugh at the memory of kairi singing .
" i should whoop your ass for even waking me up , but im gone leave that to katie " jessica says as she tries to go back to sleep .
" man that was funny " mattia says with tears in his eyes and i give him a death stare .
i hit his chest lightly and tell him to hush . " im sorry baby " he apologizes and leans to give me a kiss . i give him a few pecks on lips before the light changes .
i sit back in my chair and try to go to sleep again . i drift away to deep sleep because i know we have a long night ahead of us .
* entering dream *
" mommy , daddy is attacking me , help me please"
" oh really , where is daddy ?"
" he is downstairs "
i walk down stairs and out of no where mattia grabs me and hangs me over his shoulder.
" mattia ... put ... me down " i laugh as mattia runs around the house with me .
" you heard her daddy , the queen requested you to put her down and you must follow all of her orders "
" neverrrrrrr" mattia drags out the r .
he runs upstairs as our baby follows , he goes into our room and the baby follows .
" can me and mommy have some alone time please ?" mattia ask .
the baby rolls their eyes and walks out of the room closing the door . mattia puts me on the bed as he comes an lays on my stomach . i put my hand through his hair and he chuckles .
" hey baby or babies , this is daddy and i cant wait to meet you . if your a girl your not allowed to have a boyfriend until your like 40. " he rubs and kisses my belly .
" mattia , overprotective much " i laugh
* leaving dream*

you're my drug/ mattia polibio
Fanfictiony/n moves to New Jersey for her senior year. 2 years ago both her parents passed away so she lived with her grandparents. She decided she needed to get away. When she did she never thought she would find ...... him... he was the one .