" yes he was literally the sweetest" meliyah stated . " cant wait to meet this jackson" i remarked before taking a sip of my drink .
the waiter began walking back to the table with our food and set them on the table .
" hey , you are really beautiful and i was wondering if i can get your number ?" the boy inquired .
" thank you for the compliment , but im actually in a happy relationship" i say giving the boy a polite smile after turning down is offer .
" oh okay , well you ladies enjoy your night " he said with sadness and walked away .
" damn thats tough " meliyah remarked as she was about to laugh . i slapped her arm and give her a ' stop it ' look . we began to eat our food and just talk about random things .
" oh guys i have something to tell you " i say with a smile .
" okay dont tell me you are pregnant " meliyah ranted .
" hahaha meliyah you got jokes huh , but no , my bestfriend from since i was born is coming to jersey and my cousin , so please be nice and dont say anything stupid ." i implied .
" oh okay , how old is your cousin ?" katie asked
" 16 " i stated
" so 2 years younger than you ?" lelani acknowledged
" yup , don't worry she is mature for her age , and it kinda worries me " i laugh and everyone joins .
i finally made it back home after a wonderful night with the girls . i wrapped up everyones gift for our christmas exchange sleepover this week. i was in the living room watching the tv and my phone went off .
lover <3
babe open the door please
im cold .
read 2:36 a.m
i quickly got up and hid the presents and all the stuff i used to wrap them before opening the door . i fixed my shorts before opening the door because my ass cheek was hanging out .
" hi babe " i say happy for his company .
" hi bubs " he replies bring me into hug and giving me a kiss . i took a breath and he smells really good .
" mmm you smell good " i remarked with a civil smirk .
" oh do i ?" he raises an eyebrow giving me a smirk.
i nod and he walks in and grabs my waist . i jump on him and he pulls me into a long kiss , he kicks the door close will our lips were still attached . this kiss felt so euphoric and it made me feel as if we have been brought to each other for a reason . the feeling i got from the kiss was much to describe , it was a feeling of the moment i knew i was happy .
" mm i love you " he stated releasing from this kiss
" i love you " i replied
he walked up the stairs with my slung over his shoulder , holding on to my butt. we reached the bedroom dropping me on the bed . he took off his shoes , jacket , and shirt and crawled into bed. i turned the tv on for us to watch something , he laid his head on my chest with his arms around my waist and our feet tangled together . little things like these are what i am happy for.
" what did you do today?" i asked while playing with his hair .
" i had a boys night out"
" i see , did you have fun" i questioned again
" yes , alot , but i wish you were there" he replies looking up at me . i give him a smile and a small peck on the lips .
" i had fun today too " i replied to him .
for the rest of the night we just cuddled , talked and watched tv , but i soon fell asleep because i had to wake up early to pick up jessica and layla . we couldnt bring her sister because she was too young and her mom was to afraid to send her. im just glad i got my bestfriend and my cousin to come and spend christmas with me .
i feel like something is gonna happen but its not bad or good. we will have to wait until the morning to see .
" good morning " i plant a kiss on mattias cheek .
" why are you up so early " he ask in a raspy voice . " to pick up layla and jessie"
" oh they are coming today ? let me come with you " he asked , i nod my head letting him know to get dress.
the rest of the group said they wanted to come and i said yes . they are gonna meet me there because when the other 2 come , space would me limited . " babe hurry up " i say excitedly walking down the stairs .
i grabbed a water bottle and me and mattias puffer . i left mattia inside and went to the car , he walked out and locked the door .
" babe i have your jacket get in " i scream from the window . he runs over to the passenger side and gets in .
" thank you baby " he gives me a kiss .
i back out of the drive way and head to the airport . " im so excited " i say eagerly . " yah i can tell, did you have coffee , your pupils are huge ." mattia leans up and looks in my eyes . i nod my head and he laughs . " coffee isnt good for you babe , your already normally hyper " he says.

you're my drug/ mattia polibio
Fanfictiony/n moves to New Jersey for her senior year. 2 years ago both her parents passed away so she lived with her grandparents. She decided she needed to get away. When she did she never thought she would find ...... him... he was the one .