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we all started walking back to the car , " i guess its my turn now " ale said trying to kiss katie .

" shut up " she said jokingly blocking his kiss . the we laughed and she kissed . " eww get a room" alvaro said . " oh shut your mouth " meliyah said .

we were standing in the parking lot and mattia held my hand ever so tightly and smiled down at me . " you guys ride alone we will go with alvaro ." kai said to us

" bruh thats like 6 people in the damn car " ale said . " hush " lelani said to ale . we then started walking to mattias car because he parked the farthest from everyone . " you know no one has ever asked me out like this before " i told mattia . its true i only had one boyfriend but he never did anything romantic with me or he never properly asked me out .

" glad to be your first " he said kissing my hand " and your last " he added . and i let out a small chuckle . " wow my boyfriend " i said still trying to process everything . thats why he was acting so weird he didn't want to ruin the surprise .

" sounds like music to my ears " he got into the car and shuffled his playlist .


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y/n.hernandez : mine ! @mattiapolibio



mattiapolibio : my love

liked by y/n.hernandez

kairiconsentino : finally .

alejandrosario : my parents tbh

katiepregooo: picture creds !!!!

^ thank you babes



monday 7:40 a.m

i was downstairs eating breakfast waiting for mattia to come get me for school . i was on the phone with my grandma and i told her everything that happened . she was really happy for me , my grandpa said if he breaks my heart he is catching the first flight to break his legs . im really freaking happy to call him my boyfriend .

i heard the horn honk out side and i said bye to my grandparents and grabbed my things and went outside .

i closed the door and walked to the car . " goodmorning baby " mattia said giving me a kiss . " goodmorning to you too" i smiled . as we where driving to school we were talking about school and mattia's soccer game this week .

" i have a soccer game this week " mattia said , " yes i am coming before you even ask " i said causing him to smile . we pulled into the parking lot and he grabbed his bag from the backseat . as i got out he walked over to me and grabbed my hand and we started walking . everyones attention shifted towards us like there was nothing else to watch .

" dont worry about them , they are all stupid " mattia said reading my mind . we reached my locker and mattia was looking around . " i told my parent about you " he said . now my heart is in my ass . " what did they say " i asked closing my locker .

" they were really happy especially my mom" he said grabbing my hand while we walk to class . " they want to meet you " he said and now im even more nervous . " okay " i said

" how does saturday sound" he asked , " good ill be there " i said

" your the best " he said giving me a kiss on the cheek .

authors note

this short but he finally cuffed that bitch . ahhhhhhh , i felt like this was cute and lame at the same time but just bare with me . i have no ideas and im trying to get some but yall dont know how to comment . yeah im talking about you . n e ways gonna give you another upload soon.

you're my drug/ mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now