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dont play the song yet.

                y/n pov

so i finished getting dress and DAMN i looked good . now all i have to do is leave . i got my phone off the charger and went downstairs , i grabbed my keys and went into my car. I put the address mattia sent me into my gps and it was 20 minutes away from my house . " lets go" i said to myself. I put my playlist on shuffle and started driving . i hopefully im not to overdressed for this party , what i went for was more like a mafia princess type thing but hey we will see how it goes . i was in the car thinking how is everyone gonna react , what if mattia is with cynthia , thats the one thing i didnt want to think about . im 5 minutes away from the house and know im just thinking is it to late to turn back. then i though to myself no their is no turning back if you dont walk into that house with confidence. As i pulled my stomach dropped from how big the house was , and that means there is alot of people but who gives a shit. i parked my car on the other side of the street and walked out my car . i notice that their was no one outside so i was kinda happy . just from the outside it reeked of alcohol and weed , i opened the door and walked in. 

           mattia pov

i was standing in the kitchen with a drink in my hand which was my first drink , i was just wishing that y/n was here with us right now . I was with the whole group in their than streets by doja cat started playing. " oo this my song" lelani said. 

( play song)

i noticed everybody was looking at someone who walked in . all around the room you can hear " omg who is that?" or " wow" and some people who were being haters . we couldnt see who it was. " whats everyone looking at?" ale asked . " idk i cant see" i replied . then i got a closer view of a beautiful girl walk in . " is that y/n?!" kai asked looking at the girl that im seeing . and it was she looked so damn good . her perfect shape forming through the dress , her daziling green eyes having a sparkle from her dress , her pearly white smile lighting up the room. she just looked incredible. " god damn" ale whispered . " sheesh , she looks fucking hot" meliyah said . i looked back at everyone , and they all shut up real fast . she found her way to us  and she smells so good. " suprise shawty" she said while everyone just stared at her . meliyah and lelani ran and gave her a hug . " DAMN Y/N, you made one hell of an entrance looking like that " lelani said . there was still some whispers here and there throughout the room , but i was just focused on y/n. she walked over to the rest of us with meliyah ad lelani . she said hi to the the other boys and gave them hugs . then she walked over to me . " hey tia " she smiled looking at me. " hey y/n...you...look ..just wow." i said chocking on my words because she makes me speechless . " thank you, it took me alot to come out looking like this." she said . but im just trying not to take her and fuck the shit out of her . " well you pulled it off , looks like you tried to match with me ." i said smiling. " if anything you tried to match with her because boyyyyy" kai said butting in the conversation. " im gonna get a drink" she said . 

y/n pov

i went to get a drink then someone came up to me , " you made one hell of an entrance there" cynthia said her voiced laced with attitude . " i came here to enjoy myself , not to hear you bitch and moan about me , now run along and leave me tf alone thank you." i said and walked off . i heard her kiss her teeth , time to make someone upset. i walked over to mattia and grabbed him by the collar and took him to dance. " woah y/n slow down" he said . i just said " dance with me" , we started slow dancing and it felt like no one else was in the room . everyone was stare  and so was cynthia but i dont care . he spinned me around to where my butt was on his you know. he whispered in my ear " you are making it really hard for me not to fuck you in front of all these people." he said , " do it " i said getting really bold . he started kissing on my neck and i was really enjoying it . i know we are not together but he is gonna start a fire he cant control , and i wont stop him. we were all grinding slowly together and the song finished . " lets go get a drink" he said . we walked off and went to get a drink by the others . " okay they are back and she has hickeys ." alvaro said. i looked down and notice i did have hickeys in addition to the ones that were already there. " who cares" i said . " woah what happened to the other y/n , like the one we saw this morning?" ale said in shocked . " ale whose this?"  i heard a girl say. " omg you must be katie ." i said . " how do you know my name?" she asked . " ale never shuts up about you , im y/n and you are really pretty." i leaned over the counter and shook her hand , mattia had to block my butt with his hands because it lifted up revealing some parts of my butt. 

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