" okay meliyah , i aint know you had vocals like that " i say .
" man we did better idc " mattia fusses
" no mattia , yall sounded like multiple nails scratching on chalk board " lelani explains and everyone else agrees .
" wait jackson are you a singer , because your vocals are hella nice " layla asked .
" not really , but i sing from time to time " he explains .
" anyways enough with the chitchat , its my babys turn " mattia cheered .
" okay so this is a song ive been working on so this is everyone's first time hearing this " i ranted and found the beat in my downloads .
( play song )
" things always getting in the way , finding things hard enough to say . i want you but the feeling aint the same , i tried but i fight with myself "
" ill be everything you need yeah , sun go down i cant even sleep yeah . you make me weak yeah , i cant even sleep yeah "
" make me weak yeah something over me yeah yeah "
i walked over to mattia and pulled his arm for him to get up .
" on and on , keep going we just let the feeling keep going "
"On and on Keep going ,We just let the feeling keep going"
"On and on Keep going We just let the feeling keep going"
i let the song play out without singing and i just danced to the beat .
" body calling lately , i been feigning , might be what i want but i don't need it "
" i just hope that im not misleading , causin you aint something i believed in "
( you can pause the music or let it play out )
" damn y/n , you got me in my feelings " ale fake cryed
" that was the most sexiest thing ive heard " mattia complimented me and hit his chest . " ouch" "y/n when were you gonna tell me , you started making music " jessica asked giving me a hug .
" i dont know , i was just in my room one day and it happened " i replied .
" that shit is stuck in my head , send me that song " lelani begged and i nod . " girl you have to upload that song , its so good " meliyah suggested .
see i was thinking about it , but i didnt want to . i felt like im not that good to even post a song and people would just think that im using mattia for clout . yet again it might not be as bad as i think .
" ill think about it " i answered .
" on and on , keep g-going " robert screeched and i scolded him .
" no bruh , yall cant even sing for shit " jackson laughs
" no your gonna ruin the whole song " katie giggled .
" okay so we all know who the winner is " layla responded .
Everyone was in the living room on the couch watching christmas movies . i was laying down and mattia was in-between my legs , with his head on my stomach . i was playing around with his hair .
" is he fucking stupid ?" ale whispered in an angry tone . " shut up " katie returned and i let out a chuckle . mattia was practically half way asleep and i was getting tired .
" baby , wake up " i whispered in his ears . we got up from the couch and headed to our room upstairs . " goodnnight guys " i say and we continued to walk .
i opened the door while mattia was hovering over my back and putting all his weight on me . we finally made it to the bed , and he just dramatically fell on the bed . i lift up the covers and put him under it and getting under myself .
i faced the away from mattia to put my rings on the night stand , mattia then tugs my waist closer to him . we begin to cuddle and he drifts back to sleep .
" i love you " he whispers
" i love you " i reply back and go to sleep .
\authors note\
hey guys , i know that i have been really inactive lately , but im fine . i just needed some time to get my mental health together and some schools stuff . i have alot of uploads coming this week so dont worry . it makes me feel alot better when you guys comment , so if you can do that for me please do!

you're my drug/ mattia polibio
Fanfictiony/n moves to New Jersey for her senior year. 2 years ago both her parents passed away so she lived with her grandparents. She decided she needed to get away. When she did she never thought she would find ...... him... he was the one .