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- y/n 

" mattia im not playing - i fucking hate you- omg " i whispered to him but trying to contain my moans . 

ever since liam left the table mattia has been playing this stupid game of his , which is to tease me . i keep telling him to stop but he just wont and its so annoying . everyone at the table keeps looking at me weird but i tell them everything is fine . 

" y/n you okay baby ?" mattia asked with a smirk on his face . " you dont look to well " 

you fucking bitch.

" im perfectly fine " i grunt. " if you may excuse me im going to the restroom " 

i get out of the booth and walk to the restroom . mattia thinks he can fucking play games well he needs to try again . 

i push the bathroom door open and wash my hands . i fix my hair and my lipstick and walk back out . 

i sat back at the table and finished my drink . 

mattia tried to grab my hand but i instantly pulled it away . he is not gonna just act like he wasnt trying to play with me . i hear him mumble something under his breath but idc 

he pulled out his wallet and dropped money on the table , " you guys can pay for us " mattia said. 

" y/n lets go " he commanded . " now " 

" oop chile what did you do ?" lelani whispers to me . " you better go now " 

" i didnt do anything and im not going any where " i roll my eyes and continue to drink my lemonade . 

" girl you in trouble now " katie scratches her neck . 

" im waiting " mattia says . 

i finally grabbed my bag and keys and leave the table . i swear when we walk out of this restaurant his attitude better be gone . 

he begins to walk faster and i just slow down . he needs to fix his attitude before i slap it out of him . 

we made it out of the plaza and wait for valet people to bring his car around . 

about 3 minutes latter the guy brings our car to the front . 

mattia didnt even open the door for me but its fine . i dont know what i did to him but its whatever . 

" thanks for opening the door " i mumble as i enter the car . 

i put my seatbelt on and mattia pulls off . the car ride was silent and mattia hasn't said a word . i pulled out my phone and texted jessica because i miss her and i was bored . 

" who are you texting ?" mattia ask . i roll my eyes at his question . 

" look who wants to talk " i grunted and leaned back in my chair . 

" what is your problem ?" he asked and i paused what i was doing . 

" what is my problem ? no what is your problem ?" i shout a bit . " you always act like a immature ass baby when dudes talk to me and i don't get it " 

he doesn't even say anything he just continues to drive.. " exactly " i huff and go back on my phone . 

play song 

we have been driving for about 20 minutes until mattia pulled over to the empty parking lot.if he kills me great , atleast i wont have to deal with his fucking attitude anymore . 

" backseat " he say looking out the windshield . " now " 

" fuck no " i reply . 

" it wasnt a question " he says in a deeper tone . " backseat right now " 

just so he could shut the fuck up , i get out the passenger seat and walk to the back . i sat there for a while until he joined me . 

" now give me a reason why i shouldnt fuck you right now ?" he ask . 

is this dude serious ?

" you really expect us to have sex after that nasty ass attitude you had , i hope you know your dick isnt always gonna solve our problems." i tell him and rolled my eyes . 

within seconds he smashed his lips onto mine . i tried not to give in but i did .

warning , from this point on sexualy activities will take place . if you wish to skip scroll until you see a warning that you are safe .

he grabbed the back of my neck to deepen the kiss . his tounge was asking for permission to enter but i declined . 

he grabbed my ass and my mouth opened a bit which made his tounge slide in my mouth . his has move from my neck to the tie of my one piece that held it up . he smoothly untied it with one hand and and used both hands to pull it down my shoulder , revealing my chest and my new tattoo . 

" look what we have here " he smirked . " when did you get this " 

" i got it the second day you left " i said . " cute right " 

" perfect " he says . 

i move my hands and pull of his shirt . he begins to pull down my clothes and leave them pooling at the end of my feet . 

he forcefully spreads my legs open and placed his hand on my heat . as much as i tryied too contain my moans i couldnt . he rubbed his hand in circles adding a little bit of pressure to my heat . 

i moaned as i threw my head back lightly, " your making me so hard right now " he says and i moan out loudly . knowing i could only hold in so much . 

he slammed two fingers into me . i screamed as my mouth flew open and eyes glued shut . he thrusted his fingers harder and faster . my left hand ran up his arm all the way to his neck . 

i was able to lean in and kiss his neck , i sucked on it hard enough to leave red and purple bruises on it . he grew uncomfortable as a huge tent grew in his pants . i continued to kiss his neck but moved my hand to unzip his jeans pulling out his erection . 

rubbing his tip a bit he let out a powerful groan. i whimpered at the lost of his touch. he soon sat up and drew me to his lap , giving me a passionate kiss . 

he lined his dick up with my entrance . " ready?" and i nodded and he pulled me down . we exchanged moans , he grabbed my neck and began to suck on it for more friction . " mattia please " i whimpered . " get ready baby , im not going easy on you this time " 

he slammed into me not realizing that his length slipped out. he forcefully put it back in and i let out a scream and arched my back . he thrusted upwards as i dig my nails into his shoulders. 

he picked up the pace and continued to thrust into me , i begimg to bounce making it easier for me to reach. 

i familiar not begins to form in my stomach as he continued to thrust . " mattia im close " i moan and he nods . 

with a few more hard thrust i finally came all over his shaft and so did he . he laid back in the seat as i climbed of him. " round 2 when we get home ?" he asked . " how about two more " i giggled and he smirked at me . 

i put my clothes back on and so did he and he continued to drive back  home . 


i honestly hate myself for this but it is what it is . we only live once right . 

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