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2 months later 

- mattia 

" good job mattia , keep up the good work " my coach yelled . 

i just finished practice for our next day and im so happy . we have been winning games non stop and ive been getting money from the school . 

my mom and dad are so proud of me and they flew out for a week to come to my games . i feel like everything has been just right . 

" hey mattia " i heard someone yell . " over here " 

i turn my head and saw isabelle . 

" oh hi isabelle " i say walking past her . she follows behind me and we continue to walk . " you are truly amazing you know that " she compliments me . 

" i wouldnt say amazing but im getting there " i say and she laughs . " but how have you been " 

" nothing much , just thinking about you " she smiles . " oh really now " i smile back at her . 

" well yes , by any chance are you doing anything tonight ?" she asked . 

" im not trying to make this come out wrong but i just got out of a relationship and i dont think im ready to get into another one so soon" i tell her . 

" oh no worries , ill be here whenever your ready " she became sad . " ill see you tomorrow i guess " 

" wait isabelle " i said grabbing her cheeks and pulling her in for a kiss . 

during the kiss something felt different , like some kind of emotion just came over me and it felt weird . 

i immediately let go and apologize to her. 

" its fine mattia " she smiles and walks off . 

- y/n 

3 months later 

" okay ms.hernandez , everything looks fine and you both are healthy and in good condition" the doctor said . 

i was currently at the doctor doing my daily check up as i should . i went to make sure that everything okay with me and my body . 

" excuse what do you mean 'both'?" i asked confused . 

" well congratulations your 4 months pregnant !" the doctor announced and my heart dropped to my ass . 

" wait there is a baby in there ?" i point to my belly and he nods . " um okay " 

i dont know how to feel about this at all . i dont know what to do and im not even ready for a baby . i didn't even make it to college yet , how am i gonna take care of a child ?

i walk out of the doctors room and went straight to my car . when i entered i broke into tears . this is one thing that i wasn't prepared for at all . i was on birth control the whole time me and him were together how is this even possible . 

i should have know when i was growing all that weight and my belly started to grow as well . how am i gonna tell him that he is gonna be a dad when he isnt even here and wont even talk to me . 

he is probably dating someone else and telling them a whole bunch of lies . 


5 mins later i made it home and rushed to my room . 

i couldnt stop crying because no matter how much i force myself to hate him i just cant . my love is to strong for him and it wont let me move tf on . 

i cried and cried for days and hours of pain and now this shit . i dont even know if this dude remembers me or when he is even coming back . life cant get any worse . 

" its funny what love does to you " i laugh through my tears . 

2 weeks later

ive been coping with this pregnancy a little weirdly because i dont know what i want to do with it . 

i have been so emotional , but i don't get morning sickness . im always hungry and horny but i don't have anyone to help me with it . i always wear bigger close to hide my bump because i wasn't ready to tell the rest of the group yet . 

i invited the girls over for a sleepover because it been a minute since ive hanged out with them . i haven't been going to school mainly doing it online. 

when we speak on the phone they would tell me the boys would ask about me . 

i miss them too . 

i was in the kitchen making something to eat for the 7th time in 2 hours . i waited for the microwave to beep . 

i heard my doorbell ring repeatedly . 

" bitch i know you fucking lyi-" i stopped in the process . 

the girls were at the door but they brought the boys with them . " i hope we aren't intruding " kairi smiled . 

i pulled them in for a hug watching my belly . " i missed you guys " 

" we missed you too" ale replied . " hope you have room for more" 

" always " i move out the way for them to come in . " welcome back " 

" wow alot has changed in here " alvaro says . " it feels different  

" girl why are you getting so fat and why aent you coming to school ?" meliyah asked . " its all that damn food you been eating " 

i roll my eyes , " anyways we have what 2 more weeks of school why do i need to come ?" 

" you missed prom and you plan to miss graduation ?" lelani asked . i completly forgot about that . 

" ill just let them mail my diploma " i shrug . " graduation isnt necessary" 

" any ways what have you been up too?" ale asked 

" trying to figure ... alot of things out , ever since " i trail off . 

"mattia" alvaro says . " dude shut up " kai slapped his head . 

i chuckle a bit , " its okay " 

" you know he comes back tomorrow?" alvaro said . 

excuse me ???? 

" ALVARO DO YOU EVER KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT ?" katie shouted . " what the fuck is your problem ?" ale said shaking his head . " this is the exact reason why the group doesnt tell you shit " lelani groans. 

" anyways next topic , what we gone watch ?" i asked trying to change the topic . 

i wasnt ready to talk about him and i already felt like crying . 

" lets watch the princess switch " alvaro said . " ouuu good idea " i clapped . 

we all walked into the movie room and found the movie . 

" hold up lemme get some snacks " i say rushing out of the movie room . 

i walked into the kitchen and tried to reach on top of  the cabinets , but i couldn't reach . my hand finally reached enough for me to knock it off . it was about to fall on the floor but someone caught it . 

" got it " ale said . " thank you " 

" be careful next ti-" he said but he froze when he looked at me . 

i looked at my shirt and noticed my belly was showing , i instantly pulled it down but he still saw. 

" are you - pregnant ?" he whispered and i nod . 

" please dont tell anyone yet , i know you wanna tell mattia but you cant i want to tell him when im ready " i cried lightly . 

" hey hey look at me , i wont tell anyone " he said grabbing my face . 

" thank you " i whispered . 

he grabbed the bowl and we walked into the movie room . 

" what tf took so long ?" alvaro asked . " you was struggling with the snacks or something "

and i let out a fake laugh . 

you're my drug/ mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now