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y/n pov

tuesday @11:40 a.m
i woke up out of my sleep realizing that i had some things to . i picked out some clothes and went to shower . i took at least 45 minutes in the shower so when i got out it's was almost 1:00 . i washed my face and brushed my teeth and did my hair . i decided to just leave my natural curly hair out so I put some leave in conditioner and some curly hair product to keep it from frizzing and to keep them moisturized. I put my clothes on and did some light makeup. i lotioned my body and sprayed some perfume . i grabbed my purse , phone , and keys and went downstairs. i went into the kitchen made me some breakfast and ate . While i was eating i got a notification from Instagram that someone d'med me and it was lelani.

              accept lelanijacobs message !
                         accept or deny

lelani: hey girly

lelani: so what time are you going out ?

                                                    i was about to   leave out after i finish eating

lelani: ohk, can we still come with you

yeah sure just send me the locations and ill come get you guys.

lelani: okay , meliyah cant come because her parents and her took a trip to cali and it was last minute so she said sorry she couldn't make it

that's fine she is all good as long as she is safe

lelani: okay so here is the address ( random address)

alright , imma wash my dishes and head out .

lelani: okay

End of messages

i got up from the counter and washed my dish . I was so excited to actually go out and get to know these people more . i grabbed my keys and my purse and phone and walked out the front door . i locked it and got in the car . i put the address in the gps .

y/n : 7 minutes, that's not to far from here .

i started driving and noticed that the house was a couple blocks down from my house . cool. i texted lelani and let her know that i was outside. her and the boys walked out . Mattia sat in the passenger seat , lelani sat in kairi lap and alvaro and ale next to them .

y/n : good afternoon

kai: hey bestie
ale: i thought i was your bestie y/n ?
alvaro: you have some fucking nerve im her bestie , so y'all can fuck off .

y/n : okay you all can be my bestie

y/n : hi mattia
mattia: hi y/n

aww he so cute 🥰 n e ways !

y/n : we are gonna go to target first and then we can go wherever you guys want after .

lelani: alrighty let's gooooo
ale: lela you don't have to be so fucking loud .
alvaro: exactly like stfu you sound like a dying cow
at this point I was in the front seat dying of laughter .

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