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third person pov  

the bell rung and everyone left for class , except for the stoners , or the people who skip for fun , and the sexually active kids who don't like to got to class. everyone else either went to class just to be there or they actually care about their grades . y/n had alot to catch up on because she missed school for a month so this time she actually has to pay attention in school . the boys have no choice but to because they are trying to stay on the soccer team , everyone else doesn't really care until the school year is about to end . 

everyone cant believe they are seniors and about to graduate . the one thing they want to know is what will they do after  they graduate . mattia and y/n both want to know what their future together would look like , if the feelings would still be there or if they would even be together . the love for each other is uncontrollable and dont know when either of them are gonna make a move . they have always had a crush on each other and they are both aware of it , but they struggle to make a  move. 

" one day" y/n thought in her head . her thoughts get interrupted by the bell ringing , getting her things and walking out the door . she looks around for her friends so they can leave together , she looks at the end of the busy hall and see them waving . she speeds up her walking looking from her phone before anyone tries to speak to her . " hey guys" y/n spoke , they walked out of the busy building and made their way to the parking lot .

everyone stopped at y/ns car and started talking about their weekend plans . " we should go to the beach , y/n has never been to a jersey beach before " kairi said . " i dont know isnt it to cold for that?" y/n questioned . she is right its in the low 60's and they want to go to the beach but its normal for them . this time is basically summer for the because of how low the temperature gets in December . " not to us , this type of weather is basically summer for us " mattia explained . " yeah wait until december comes around you would wish that it was this weather " ale said trying to convince her to go . " okay fine ill go , but if i dont get in the water dont complain " y/n said .

" oh your getting in i dont care what you say" meliyah said with a straight face . mattia walked away and called to the boys , while meliyah and lelani talked about the weekend . she looked over and saw them having a conversation and mattia loos worried and nervous , but she didnt stress it . she was cofused on why but she looked away when she seen the walking back . " okay so im going to head home now , my m-mom wants me home" mattia said . before she could say anything he walked away and hopped in his car and drove away . she became upset because it was rude of him to walk away in the middle of a conversation .

" dont worry im sure he's  fine " lelani said , y/n looked over to the boys and they looked as if they are hiding something .  " is he okay ? and dont lie to me i know when you do " y/n said . the boys looked at each other before alvaro answered telling us that he is fine . y/n wanted to believe it but she knew something was up so she just went with it . 

y/n got in her car and went home , thinking about why mattia was acting so weird she didnt want to stress her self out . " thats just not like him , especially to be rude and not let me even say bye " y/n said clearly annoyed and upset . " y/n dont stress it okay , maybe something happened and he doesnt know how to handle it " meliyah says . " yeah y/n sometime you have to stop overthinking " lelani said . " i know , i know im just - scared" y/n replied . " why are you scared ?" meliyah ask . " nothing nevermind " y/n said and just let out a sigh. " okay , just dont stress and talk to him tmr , if he doesnt want to talk dont force him " lelani said , " okay i love you guys have a good night " y/n said hanging up . 

friday 2:45

mattia still hasnt spoken to y/n all day , he has been doing everything to try and avoid her. he wouldnt even sit by her at lunch and nor would he look her in the eyes . she is starting to think that he doesnt like her or he is hiding something from her , she was kinda upset . 

the bell rung for the last class of the day , she walked out of class and saw the group . " hey whatsup ?" y/n said and lookedat mattia with an attitude . " what time are we going to the beach tmr?" y/n asked . " 12" mattia said , "k" y/n replied dryly . " well i gotta go see you guys tommorow" y/n said walking away . 

" dude what did you do?" ale asked , " i didnt do anything " mattia said back innocently . " you were avoiding her all day and all she wanted to do was talk " meliyah said and she rolled her eyes . mattia than began to feel guilty . " i wish i can tell you guys but you would just go back and tell her ." mattia said .

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