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- y/n

20 minutes later we pulled up to the airport and still had to wait . we have been waiting outside for about 10 minutes now . we heard cheering inside of the airport but didnt know who it is .

" yoooo is that robert and roshaun?" ale asked tempestuously.

who the hell is that ?

" omg it is " kairi says running with everyone else . " bro what are you doing here " mattia says pulling them into a hug .

" we came to surprise you , what are you guys doing here ?" the tall boy said , he is a little bit taller than mattia .

" we came to pick up my girlfriends cousin and bestfriend" i hear from a distance .

" you still dating that kayla girl ? bro i swear to go-" i hear the other boy who im guessing is roshaun say but he got cut off.

" no bro , she is different " mattia says in a distance

" and she is way better than that slug " i hear kai say and i smile at his response . the girls are in the car because they are way to cold and couldnt stay out any longer .

" yoo i saw these two girls bro , they were so fine" roshaun explains.

" yeah but you were to scared to get one of their numbers " robert hits his chest .

while everyone is huddled up at the other exit , i see two girls running after me and i noticed who it is . " LAYLA ,JESSICA" i scream excitedly running towards them .

" OMGGG HI" jessica says as i pull her into a hug . i turn to kayla and hug her too .

" sorry it took so long we got lost in a crowd " jessica says and i smile .

" im just glad your here and you too stupid " i say .

" yeah yeah where is mattia " layla says looking around . i point over to where they were standing and noticed that they were walking back .

" dont look " i say and we all turn around . " they are coming"

i hear footsteps and laughing behind us , and then we turned around . " woah these the girls I was talking about" roshaun says eyeing us down .

" hi my name is roshaun and these are my boys , mattia , kairi , alvaro , Robert , and alejandro." roshaun introduced the boys i already knew . 

" hello " i say back looking around . 

" jesus can you stop being weird , any ways guys this is y/n , layla , and jessica" mattia say fustrated. 

" hi , im y/n this is jessica and my cousin layla , i kinda already know your friends " i say shaking roberts hand . when i went to shake roshauns , he wouldn't let go of my hand . " um you can let go....now" i say with a smile. 

" sorry your just really beautiful , is there any chance i can get your number ?" roshaun asked . me and everyone else eyes widen .

" no , im ... taken" i reply and look at mattia . 

" roshaun thats mattia's girlfriend " kairi informs him and he looks at mattia who is looking at him . 

" my bad g , i didn't know " roshaun tells mattia and he shakes his head with a smile and gave him a hug .

" jessica and layla come here " i gesture my hands for them to walk closer . " this is jessica and layla , they are staying with me for Christmas break so your gonna see them alot ."

"hello " the to girls say and everyone else replies back .

" im fucking starving " jessica says and i look at her . " when are you not ?" i ask and laugh .

" babe dont talk your always hungry " mattia says . i turn around and flick him off and we walk to the cars. " oh you girls have to ride with me and mattia because i dont think there is any space left with them . " kk " layla responds . mattia and i put their luggage in the trunk and got in the car .

there was a knock at my window and it was meliyah and lelani . " yes?"

" can we please ride with you ? "

" the fucking idiots are being so loud , i cant even hear the music "

" yeah get in " i answer , they opened the door and got in . " hi " meliyah greets the other two .

" hey im jessica " , " and im layla " the two girls introduce them selves .

" hi im lelani and this is meliyah " lelani introduces.

" okay where are we going to eat babe" mattia ask .

" i dont know , you just tell them a place and then we can just go there" i shrug my shoulders. he nods his head and put in a location that wasnt to far from here . i pulled out of the airport and drove straight there.

about 15 minutes later we made it and we all got out the car . " god its seriously so fucking cold " jessicas shivers. " yeah but you will get used to it " i reply .

" im about set my self on fire " layla responds and we all laugh . we started to approach everyone else who was laughing , katie walked over to me and gave me a hug .

" jesus y/n why didnt you tell me all your friends were hot " jessie turns to me fixing her blwoing hair .

" lmao , anyways ale and kai are taken by katie and lelani , no you cant date meliyah because she has a boyfriend , but alvaro roshaun and im guessing robert are single " i say and they all nod .

" wait? why would she want to date me ?" meliyah raises one eyebrow questioning us . 

" oh she is .... um ... kinda .. you know ... bisexual soo yeah " i say scratching my head. everyone snaps their head from they are doing and look at us. " what? its true , so be careful she might steal your bitch " i laugh and everyone else joins.

we all walk into the restaurant and get a table for all of us. im really happy that i was able to get them to Jersey it's gonna make my Christmas a whole lot better . " so , can i please know these to gentlemen who you are so fond of ?" i ask taking a sip of my mango syrup sprite .

" so this is Robert and Roshaun, they are apart of the jersey boys" mattia gestures his hand back and forth. " the original group started off with us three , kai , me and ale" he explains.

" but they moved to florida , so we don't see them unless it's for a tour , trip we have planned , or special occasions" kai added in .

" bro isn't playlist coming up ?" roshaun ask everyone else had a ' oh yeah' look on their face . " what's that?" i question kinda confused.

" y/n you don't know what playlist is?" Jessie looks shocked , i nod my head in return.

" babe , playlist is something that happens every year - well almost every year . mattia said , " creators from all platforms come together and meet their fans , play games and other crap" he explains and i raise my eyebrows.

" oh so that means all of your are going ?" i point to the 5 boys . " yup but it's not until February" robert says . sadness drew on my face as I realize that mattia won't be here for Valentine's Day and now we have to do it early .

" hey , don't worry its not until after Valentine's" mattia rubs my cheek , reading my mind .

" wait so we can't go" layla ask. " you can but you will have to pay for your ticket, hotel service, and some other things . that's unless you get invited, it's all ... free" ale nods his head .

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