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y/n POV
i got home and ran to the front door locking my car . as soon as i got in i ran upstairs and changed into my black swimsuit and some white shorts . I didn't bother putting on a shirt because i didn't want to . I got me a medium book bag and put my clothes and towel and a blanket in it . i sprayed some sunscreen on . I went downstairs and put some snacks and drinks in a separate bag for us .

im really glad that I have some people to talk to because i would be crying everyday . I really like mattia but i barely know him. he seems really nice though and he is very hot . i just need to keep my cool for a while until i feel ready enough to express my feelings.

i hopped in my car and drove to mattia house .
Mattia pov

we were all waiting for y/n to pull up to the house . I was really excited to take her to our secret spot so i can get to know her . a little more . me hoping that this girl will be my girlfriend. ever since i payed eye on her i knew she was gonna be mine . i was thinking about her until kairi snapped me out of my thoughts .

kai: aye bro you good ?

mattia: yeah
ale: he thinking about y/n
lelani: yeah and we all know it .
alvaro: just ask her out on a date already.
ale and kai: um no , at least not yet .
mattia: exactly we literally just met .
lelani: just talk to her and get to know her more an-
kai: she is here

we all heard a horn and grabbed our stuff . she stood out side of the car . she looked so beautiful with her curly brown hair blowing in the wind . she so gorgeous why does she keep doing this to me honestly. ever since jenna i haven't a real stable relationship, it's always fuck and go . After i seen jenna cheat on me , I never thought I would be able to love again, but I met y/n and she might have changed everything.

y/n : hey guys
lelani: hi y/n ( she gave her a hug )
mattia: heyy hermosa
y/n :hey handsome
Ale : hey bestie
kai and alvaro: heyyy
y/n : hi guys hurry up and get in the car please

mattia: okay no need to rush !
y/n : oh shut up and get in the car before you walk .
mattia: fine here is the address.
y/n : thank you

we got in the car and i hooked my phone onto the Bluetooth. we just vibed the whole way their .
( play song)
we made it to the secret spot and y/n look scared . i touched her arm " hey what's the matter" , " are you guys trynna kill me or something why the hell we in a the damn woods!" kai said " woah y/n calm down you have to trust us ." y/n said " okay , bug the minute something fishy come up a beating everybody ass !"
god i love a feisty she is . we all got out of the car and grabbed our stuff . y/n still looked nervous so a grabbed her hand and led her to where we were going . she gave me a reassuring smile .

mattia: hey it's okay just trust me alright
y/n : okay

i let her hand go and let her walk in front of me and decided to take a pitch of her while she was walking. she turned around .
y/n : so we taking pictures now , send it to me
mattia: i don't have your number to do that
y/n : okay then here it is ( 777-777-7777)
mattia : thank you tesero
y/n : what does that mean ?
mattia : you know soon ( i smiled at her and she smiled back )

she came to a complete stop and looked shocked then her face softened and looked at me and smiled . God i love her .
she went and put her bags down and looked at the nice view .

Y/n : wow it so pretty
mattia : just like you
ale: okay love birds , let's play some games .
lelani: ohhh never have I ever
y/n : okay let's do it .

we sat around the bonfire . y/n sat next to me in the middle or kai, ale sat next to lelani who was sitting next to alvaro.

kai: me first , never have a ever drank before

me , ale , lelani, kai, alvaro, and y/n put our fingers down

ale: okay y/n i see you , my turn never have ever got a hickey.

ale , lelani , and Kai put a finger down .

lelani: my turn , never have I ever had sex .

ale, lelani , and kai put a finger down .

kai: y/n your a virgin??!?!!

y/n : yes
Y/n : Mattia your lying that your not a virgin right ?
mattia: nope why ?
y/n : you don't look like the type to still be a virgin.
ale: have you ever been in a relationship before .
y/n : yeah but he cheated on my because i wasn't ready to have sec with him yet , so he slept with one of my friends. he is just a big bitch.
alvaro: wowwwww that's why mattia and his last girlfriend broke up .

lord do you ever know how to be quiet.

y/n : im so sorry

mattia : it's okay you did not know . but enough with the sob story's can we go in the water .

kai: yes finally someone asked .

everyone started taking off their clothes, and I saw how beautiful y/n looked with her black swimsuit, she just perfect . i caught myself staring at her a few times until i just kept staring.

y/n : hey hey your making me insecure fool
mattia: don't ever feel insecure about yourself , you are to beautiful to think down on your self .
y/n : thank you , now let's go .

we ran to the water and jumped in . we were all splashing around. i miss roshaun and Robert . wishing they were here right now . i swam over to y/n and splashed her . she started laughing. Even her laugh is pretty . we kept splashing around until she told me to stop .

2 hours later
everyone except for y/n got out of the water . she was just swimming around . there were a couple of times i caught her off guard so I took pictures. Few minutes she started coming out of the water while everyone was looking at her . It look like she was coming out in slow motion and the water droplets running down her skin . she look so hot right now .

y/n : it's freezing now .
mattia: you have been in the water for a long time .
ale : here is your towel
y/n : thank you ale
ale: ehhhhhhhh she called me my nickname !!
kai: okay no need to scream .
mattia: you guys ready to go
everyone: yes
y/n : Mattia can you drive please , im tired as hell just pleaseeee don't crash her . she is my pride and joy.
mattia: i won't I promise ( i winked at her )

we all walked and went to the car .

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