i woke up out of my sleep feeling a heavy weight on my chest and it was y/n . i looked at her and all she had on was the sheet covers and all the events that took place came rushing back . that's the best sex ive had in such a long time .
i tried to get up from the bed quietly without waking her but it didnt work .
" good morning" she said
" good morning sleepy head" i pecked her on the lips .
" im gonna order some breakfast, what do you want ?" i asked her . " whatever your gonna have" she replied getting out of bed .
i walked in the bathroom and looked at my neck full of hickeys and bruises . i turned to look at my back and there was scratches.
" holy fuck ! i did that ?" y/n asked with round eyes .
" yes you did , but look what I did to you" i tell her . she walks over to the mirror and looks at all of the hickeys i gave her .
" room service" there was a knock at the door . y/n ran and put on her black silk robe over her red lingerie. " yes , thank you so much" i say before closing the door .
" wow im not a virgin anymore" y/n says before climbing on the bed and i look at her .
" yeah now i can have as much sex as i want with my sexy ass girlfriend" i say with a smirk making her cringe. " please , your always horny" she says as i hug her waist and give her a kiss .
" so what are we gonna do today ?" she asked while eating .
" we are gonna take a ferry to the Statue of Liberty National Monument" i say and i see her eyes light up with excitement .
" awesome" she says with a smile . we finished eating and we put the cart outside of our door for room service to retrieve it . i walked back in the room and went to lay back down . y/n looks so hot right now i cant help but to feel horny . im trying
i sit up and lean my back against the head board while y/n just walks over to the draws where our close are in . she bends down as her robe slightly lifts up revealing her butt and i get i clear view . i grunt at the sight and she looks up with a smirk as if she is teasing me .
" is there a problem ?" she ask me teasingly .
yes there is , your making me horny.
" nope not at all " i say looking away from her .
she walks over to me and climbs on my lap and wraps her arms around my neck . " look at me " she demands . i look at her and she has a smile on her face , " i love you" she says and tries to get of my lap . " i love you too , but i feel like your doing this on purpose " i say pulling her back down .
" maybe , maybe not " she smirks . two can play this game
i flip us over causing me to be on top of her , " maybe we should go for a round 2 " i suggested and she gives me an approving smirk .
after me me and mattia finished yk , i got up to take a shower to get ready . it took awhile because mattia was trying to shower with me and i told him no , i had to lock the bathroom door after . i was in the shower for a long time only because the water was really nice .
i got out and opened the door only to find mattia sitting on the floor with a sad face .
" why are you on the floor ?" i laugh
" you didnt want me to shower with you , and that made me sad " he whined while pouting .
" just go shower , maybe next time " i pout with him rubbing his cheeck .
i walked away as he went in , i put on my old school black and green jacket with blue washed jeans , white cami crop top and all white 4's . i ut my hair in a bun and put on some accecories .
i kinda cleaned up in the room a bit so room service doesnt have much to do . my mom always told ' just because its their job doesnt mean you cant help' . After i finished mattia finally came out fully dressed and i noticed he was kind of matching with me .
" its you trynna copy my fit for me " i tell him
" oh come on its not even close to your outfit " mattia cooed back at me .
" the shoes too ?!!" i walked over and looked at his feet .
" y/n shut up , if anything you tried to copy me " he exclaimed .
" mattia , i was technically dressed first so , no your copying me " i say back with sass.
" okay okay you win " he rolls his eyes .
we grab our stuff and went downstairs . we sat in the lobby because we had to wait for them to bring our car out of valet because the monument is 30 minutes away . as we waited i just took some pictures while mattia was on his phone next to me . the guy pulled up with our car and we got in .
" im so excited but scared at the same time " i say putting on my seatbelt .
" why bubs? " mattia asked pulling out of the hotel lot . " because i have a fear of big bodys of water and boats" i say . last time ive been on a boat was 3 years ago and i almost fell off after that i never wanted to go on a boat ever again . " well im gonna be right with you and you wont have to be scared of anything" he rubs his thumb over my thigh .

you're my drug/ mattia polibio
Fiksi Penggemary/n moves to New Jersey for her senior year. 2 years ago both her parents passed away so she lived with her grandparents. She decided she needed to get away. When she did she never thought she would find ...... him... he was the one .