- y/n
we finished watching the movie and everyone was ready to go to bed . i really wanted to tell the girls but i think im gonna wait . hopefully ale can keep his mouth shut .
" goodnight you guys , im clocking out " i yawn as i walk upstairs to my room .
i walk into my bedroom and hopped in my bed and went straight to sleep .
- mattia
i was currently packing my things for tomorrow , not gonna lie im gonna miss it here . i miss my friends and my family and i deserve to be with them right now .
i walked over to my dresser and took out all my jackets and a piece of paper fell out .i picked it up and flipped it over it was a picture of me and y/n on valentines day .
god i miss her , i just wish i wasn't so stupid and just told her . this is gonna hurt like hell , but i hope she can forgive me .
i miss her smile , her touch , just everything about her .....
i put the picture inside of my phone case and put away the rest of my stuff .
* knock knock *
" hello" i say as i open the door and it was isabelle.
" hey i just wanted to stop by and say thank you for being so nice to me and i hope you have a safe travel back . and i hope everything works out great with her " she says .
" um who ?" i asked confusingly .
" oh when you dropped me off , i saw a picture of you and her on your dash board , i believed i put it in your ... hoodie draw ." she says .
" oh um thank you isabelle , and take care of yourself " i tell her before she walks off .
i close my door and begin to finish packing .
- y/n
i jumped out of my sleep from laughing down stairs and loud snoring next to me . i looked to the left of me and saw meliyah knocked out cold with her mouth wide open .
i quickly grabbed my phone off the dresser and took a picture . i got out of bed and changed my clothes to sweats and a big t-shirt .
i walked downstairs and saw the boys making breakfast .
" bestieeee good morning !" alvaro screamed running towards me . " be careful please " ale said loudly .
" she just woke up " he said nervously and went back to doing what he was doing. " so what are we doing today ?" i asked then i remembered that mattia is coming back .
"nevermind don't answer that " i sighed and walked to the living room.
" damn can yall be any fucking quieter ?" meliyah yelled walking down the stairs .
" oh shut the fuck up , i couldnt sleep with all that snoring you was doing " i said and everyone laughed .
" why yall up so early ? and where yall going ?" she asked .
kai was about to speak but i cut him off , " to pick up dick head from the airport " i rolled my eyes.
" stop looking at me , i said what i said " i crossed my arms .
" you good " alvaro asked and lelani couldn't help but laugh . " im more than good tf "
" shut up you cant talk " ale said looking at my belly , surprisingly no one noticed .
" fuck you ale , and get the hell out my kitchen " i said and everyone laughed .
" bye y/n we love youuuuuu !" lelani shouted . " fuck you toooooo " i replied and they left .
i walked back into my bedroom and just watched netflix .
- kairi
" can this bitch hurry up " lelani graoned tiredly as we sat outside of the airport waiting for mattia.
it felt weird and excited at the same time because i haven't seen him in so long. " you shouldve stayed at the house " i said rolling my eyes .
" dont get slick out the mouth kairi " she snapped and i chuckled a bit .
" oh shit there he is " alvaro pointed and we all ran to him .
" MATTIAAA , WASSUP ASSHOLE " i jumped on him . " i missed you to shorty " he replied .
" oh shit when did you get so tall ?" ale said and mattia flicked him off.
" not you looking hot and shit " alvaro complimented him . " i wonder what else changed ?" ale asked .
" alot of things..." mattia smirked .
" you fucking nasty " i gagged .
we all turned around and noticed the girls were all on their phones .
- mattia
we walked over to the girls and they all looked pissed .
" hey guys.." i said lowly . " oh fuck you " meliyah said coldly . " hello" lelani said rolling her eyes. now they are making me feel even worse .
" im sorry " i said in a low tone . " yeah sure you are " katie said walking away.
" you know what im not gonna be petty , we accept you apology but we are not the one you should be saying sorry too " meliyah sighs and walks away.
- y/n
i felt a cramp in my stomach as something moved in there . i left up my shirt and noticed little movings in my belly . it tickled like crazy and made me have to pee .
the first thing that came to my mind was mattia ! i wonder if they even picked him up yet . well i dont care . i hope he looks musty so i can get over him .
i got off the toliet and washed my hands until my phone started to ring i looked at the contact and it was ' ale<3' .
- meliyah
" yall better call her cause im not doing it " i grunt . " if i tell her she is gonna be pissed " lelani adds . " come on we all know that she still loves him , if she didnt she would have took down their pictures together through out the whole house " kai explained .
i look over and see mattia smiling a little .
" well that is very true " alvaro chuckles . " she just doesnt want to admit it " katie agrees .
" when you left she wouldnt sleep , eat or talk to any of us . one day i was driving to lelanis house and saw her crying at your doorstep . i never said anything because she just wanted to be alone and never wanted to talk to any of us ." katie said in a sad tone .
" you know she broke up with you just so you would try and talk to her " i said . " she didnt mean to but i think its to late now " i sighed .
matti face turned red and he began to cry.
" call her right now " he said in a serious tone .
" im calling her " ale said dialing her number

you're my drug/ mattia polibio
Fanfictiony/n moves to New Jersey for her senior year. 2 years ago both her parents passed away so she lived with her grandparents. She decided she needed to get away. When she did she never thought she would find ...... him... he was the one .