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" yeah the trip was so good , and the view was so pretty " i say with memeories juts rushing back from the trip . im currently getting ready to go on a girls date with the girlies because we havent spend some time alone together.

" i bet it was " lelani says i can hear the smirk on her face .

" i got to tell you guys something " i say through the speaker

" what is it ?" katie ask with confusion and concern .

" sooo im officially not a virgin and we said i love you " i say with a smile

" OH MY GODDD WHENN?" meliyah ask in excitement .

" i said it to him when we were in canada and we had sex on my birthday " i explained.

" omg was it good?" lelani ask

" um yess it was , i had a sex dream about him and it was like .. amazing " i replied.

" girl what did i tell you your gonna crave it ." katie says reminding it of the conversation we had before i left .

" i knowww , im coming to get you guys now please be ready " i say through the phone before hanging up . i got up from my vanity and went to my closet and found something to wear . i put on my asymmetric knit long sleeve crop top and khaki pants with my white sneakers and a brown sweater . i put on some makeup and did my hair.

i grabbed my purse with my stuff in it and as i closed my door my phone dinged and it was mattia .

lover <3

hey bubbbbs

hey baby whats up ?

nothing wyd ?

im going out



so its one person ?

is it a boy or girl ?

its a group of people

and its girls

oh ok . have fun baby

i love you

i love you more .


i walked downstairs and walked straight to my car . i got in and put on some music . i played pull up by kaash paige . ( she is so underrated) i turned the radio all the way up and pulled out of my driveway . 

10 minutes later i got to lelani house which the rest of the girls were at and they all looked so good . 

" hey girlie you look so good" katie said getting in the car .

" thank you guys look good as hell too" i say with a smile .

" ouuu this is my song " meliyah exclaimed before getting in the front seat .

i pulled down my mirror and put on some lipgloss . " okay so where are we going " i ask so i can get directions of where to go. 

" ouuu we should go to this plaza , it also has a nice restaurant on this pier " lelani suggested .

" oh its called ' out by the sea' , we can also go shopping for chrsitmas gifts too" katie says and i nod my head . i put in the address and its an 1 hour away from here but its fine .


about an hour later we pull up to this beautiful plaza and its just breath taking . the view is so pretty and all of the building lights just make it look better . we get out of the car and just take in the view . we snapped a couple of pictures before we went into the plaza . 

as we walked in i noticed alot of big designer store like gucci , dior , chanel , louisvitton , and vivian . there were other stores there to like you would see in regular malls . we first went into dior and i looked around and saw these shoes that mattia has been dying to get . i took a look at it and found his size . 

we purchased our items and went to the next store .

we have been shopping for about 2 hours now and it has gone completely dark . everybody got something and we were getting hungry . we walked out onto the pier and found this fancy restaurant to eat at . 

" hello i would like a table for 4 please " i say to the host . he looks up and starts to stare at me . he noticed he was staring and stopped .

" im sorry , a table for four right this way " he smiled and led us to the table .

we walked in and got a table outside by the water . " thank you sir " i say with a smile tring to be polite . the waiter is cute but not as cute as mattia . if mattia was here he would want to chew his head off . 

" he is cute " meliyah says lifting her eyebrows  as if she is impressed .

" not interested , im happily taken " i say with a smile and she smirked at me .

" i was testing you and you passed " she says and we all laugh . 

" okay what can i get for you ladys today " the waiter says .

" um can we get a bottle of white wine please " lelani says drawing his attention away from me . 

" okay ill be right back " he says looking at me and smiles before walking away .

" man man man , mattia would eat him alive if he was here " katie says shaking his head . " and i would have love to see it " meliyah says with a smirk looking at me .

" this is so nice , a girls day out without the boys " lelani says looking out to the water .

" it is we should do this more often " katie says .


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