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I went downstairs after putting on clothes. " so what are you guys really doing here?" I asked amusingly. " we told you what we were doing here , we came to hang out with you guys." alvaro said .  

I believe them, I just wanted them to say it again. " okay where do you guys wanna go." i asked , "oooo lets go to the mall" meliyah said in excitement. the mall doesn't sound to bad and i needed to buy stuff anyways.

after waiting for mattia to come downstairs meliyah and lelani pulled me into the living room away from the boys . i was kinda confused on why but i didn't say anything because meliyah started talking.

" so did you guys....you know" meliyah asked . " no we did not have sex , we are not even together." i said whispering . " well them hickeys on your neck says otherwise." lelani said whisper yelling. " okay we made out and that's all that happened nothing else." i said whispering back .

" okay" lelnai and meliyah said. We walked back to the boys and mattia was back . he gave me a sly smile and a gave him a reassuring smile back.

at the mall


we were at  the mall walking up and down for hours because meliyah and lelani didn't know where to go and i just went to victorious secret and bought some underwear and bras.

Then i went to this place and found this cute dress with some heels. i just bought it for anything that comes up. " guys I'm hungry lets go the food court." ale said . we all walked to the food court and ordered our food .

we waited about 12 minutes until they called our order number then we all sat at our table. " so what time does this party start ?" i asked just to see.

" wait are you reconsidering on going ." lelani asked. " no i just wanted to know" i said . " there goes my last hope " meliyah said . " alvaro who you going with?" mattia asked, " I'm going with you dumbass" alvaro said rolling his eyes . " oh yeah my bad i forgot" mattia said laughing.

" i swear to god if cynthia even walks pass me I'm going to beat her ass no joke" meliyah said. we all lightly laughed because we were in public .

ever since i heard cynthia was going I've been doubting the trust between me and mattia , not saying that i don't trust him i just don't trust her .

she just seems no good and i don't want her to be a reason why me and mattia can never be in a relationship . " well she better not even look at me because i will leave." mattia said. can this boy read my mind or something? " she is so full of her self and its annoying, i wish you were coming so you can just  shut her ass up" kai said looking annoyed .

everyone got up from the table and picked up our trash and bags . we threw our trash and went to our car. me and mattia and alvaro said bye to lelani , kai, ale, and meliyah because we were all going separate ways . 

i drove us to my house and went inside it was 6:30 p.m and the party started at 8:30 so they just started getting ready. i went into my bedroom and closed my door. i showered and put on my sweats and a hoodie. i turned my tv on started watching vampire diaries. 20 minutes later someone came and knocked on my door. "hello" mattia said .

he looks so good right now . I'm guessing he went for a mafia boss type look and he pulled it off really well . he has on a silk black shirt with his abs pearing through the shirt and black pants and a dress shoes. he even smells good i couldn't help but to stare. " y/n" he said waving his hand in my face.

" oh I'm sorry , you look good " i commented . he walked in my room and sat on my bed . " you sure you don't want to come , ill wait for you" he asked . " no mattia i don't want to go, i just want to be home , you go and have fun with your friends." i said to him.

" okay fine , but i sent you the address just incase you change your mind." he said to me with a smile . " okay , now go , dont get to drunk please , i want you to still be in one piece the next time i see you ." i said hoping that what im saying is registered in his brain .

" okay , bye i will see you later." he gave me a kiss and left . Now im all alone in this big ass house .

30 minutes later .....

i was bored of the tv so i went on instagram and scrolled through my page i seen that everyone was having fun and everyone looked so good. even cynthia, she looked amazing . i went on lelanis page and saw her and kai they look so cute together .

Then i saw meliyah and her date and ale and katie , they all looked good. im guessing they are having a blast and im in my pjs sitting here with nothing to do and now im really sad. i really wish i would have gone now im really regretting it.

" this is bullshit" i yelled .

" girl you better get up and get your man" authors words . 😭

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