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continued >>>

" aww my freaking parents " kai said causing me to laugh 

" your so annoying kai" lelani told him and he put a arm over her shoulder . " whats new " he smiled . " shawty wanna roll with a rockstarrrr" kai sings as his voice cracks from the teribble singing . 

" woah woah woah " mattia said turning the volume down while driving . " kai who sings this song " mattia asked looking through the rearview mirror . 

" um trippie red " kai said simply 

" exaclty , keep it that way " mattia said causing everyone except kai to laugh . kai flicks him off and sit back . 

20 minutes later we pulled up to the beach ad it wasnt all that packed but packed at the same time . we pulled in and saw the rest on the sidewalk waiting for us . " you guys get out ill find parking " 

i grabbed my things and we all got out . " heyyy" ale said dapping up kairi . everyone said hi to each other and gave each other hugs . 

" since this is y/ns first time at a jersey beach we should walk the boardwalk and we can go in the water last ." ale said 

" sounds great " i replied . we walked the board walk and it was filled with all sorts of things. " i just know that water  is fucking cold " i told meliyah . 

" yeah but from living here so long , i get immune to  it " meliyah says . " you guys arent afraid of getting sick " i asked concerned . " nope not at all " meliyah said . i looked at her with wide eyes and we both laughed . 

mattia finally caught up with us after a couple of minutes . 

" bro what the fuck took you so wrong " alvaro aksed 

" there was no fucking parking and i had to wait for a this family to leave their parking spot ." he said . then he squinted up his eyebrows , " why arent you guys wet " he asked 

" omg mattia im not horny " ale said turning around and we all laughed at his dumb response . 

" come on we are gonna make you a full new jerseyean " mattia said pulling me towards the sand . " its freaking cold i said shivering . we found and empty spot to put our things . " come on stop being soft " alvaro says and i give him a glare . 

i sit down and look out at all the people in the water . " stand up " mattia says gently . " look at all those people in the water " he said looking at the water and back at me . 

" what if i get hyperthermia ? " i said pouting . " if those people dont have any what makes you think you will ? " mattia replied .

" it doesnt matter " i said 

" your making this harder than i thought " before i can even do anything mattia picks me up and throws me over his shoulder .  " mattia  put me the fuck down " i screamed kicking trying  to get out of his grip . he completly ignores me and throws me in . i get up and whipe my eyes off before looking at him shivering from the cold . " aww is the baby cold " i flick him off . 

" you have to go under water to get used to it " i looked at him before going underwater .

jesus fucking christ  is it cold .

" there we go " kai said and everyone clapped . 

" i dont know how you guys can do this " i said .


play song

we got out of the water and the sun was down . we have just been sitting on the sand and talking about what we are gonna do after high school and our lives and stuff. 

" the sunset is beautiful here " i said smiling looking up at the sky . its was blue , purple , orange , and pink . 

" lets go walk for a bit " kai said looking at mattia who was smiling . "ill take the stuff to the car okay " mattia said walking away . 

he has been weird all week , and to think im weird . " is it just me or does it feel like mattia is hiding something ?" i said catching up to everyone . " girl what did i say ? your overthinking " meliyah said and everyone nodded . i crossed my arms and continued walking . i was getting cold and i noticed i forgot my cardigan . " hey guys i left my sweater i will be back " i said running back to our same spot . 

i grabbed my sweater , thank god i brought it . i started walking back while putting it on . " hey guys im ba-" i said stopping in my tracks . i looked up and mattia was standing there with a rose botique and a sign that says ' will you be my gf ' . 

my heart stopped as i read each words over and over again . mattia gave me a little smile and i can tell he was really nervous as  he started walking towards me . " the first day when i met you i was really nervous to talk to you . ever since that day all i thought of is how we would make the best couple ever . " mattia said causing me to laugh through my tears . 

" everyday im around you i feel like there is no place i rather be , id rather argue with you than to be with anyone else . you are my world , my heart , and everything . i would love to do nothing but make you the happiest ." he said smiling . " so y/n would you do the honors of being my girlfriend ? " he asked and i nodded my head so fast .

he widened his eyes " your serious " he asked . " yes , i am " i said on my tears . he dropped the roses and picked me up by my waist and spinned me around . 

" period bestie " lelani said while the boys whistled . mattia put me down and gave me the most passionate kissed ever . ive never felt so happy with anyone before , and i hope it last forever . i looked at everyone and smiled " did you guys know about this ?" i asked . 

" um duh " kai said . 

you're my drug/ mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now