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' one way'
mattia's pov 

everyone was up waiting for y/n to be done with surgery . ale was asleep , meliyah was on her phone , kai was just sitting staring at the ceiling and lelani had her head on his shoulder . i was sitting waiting for y/n to come back , i was dreading sleep but i couldn't , i wanted to be awake when she comes back . I try to keep my eyes open but nothing is working . " hey matti just get some rest ." kai said , " i cant , i want to be awake when she comes" i replied getting tired and tired by the second . " i promise i will wake you up as soon as she comes in please just get some sleep ." kai said , i agreed and just shut my eyes . I just went to sleep and waited for her return. 

1 hour later \

i felt someone shake me and i groaned , " what is it?" i said with my eyes still closed . " she is coming." im now fully awake and so was ale . the room door opened and we seen the nurses pull her in . she doesnt look any different except for the black cast rapped around her leg . " the procedure went fantastic , but we still have no idea when she will wake up from her coma ." the doctor gave us a smile and stepped out . i sighed and walked over to her , " guys this is all my fault" i said feeling guilty . " how is this your fault , you weren't even there" ale said in pure confusion . " exaclty , i wasn't there to protect her , if i stayed the night she asked e to i would have been able to protect her from any of this happening " i said tears running down my face . my heart breaks every time i clothes because all i could think about is me finding her covered in blood lifeless on the floor. " mattia you can blame yourself for someone else's wrong doings , just because you weren't there doesn't mean you did it . you shouldn't be so hard on yourself because of something that you cant control ." kai said reassuring that i wasn't all my fault. i just wanted to break down , i never knew that i would end up in a position like this , my love for this girl would make me do some crazy things for her , i want to spend the rest of my life with her and i just met her . " kai man , i love her and im not ready to lose her , i dont think i will be able to move on . it hard seeing her like this i just wanna hear her voice again ." i said my voice cracking. 

when she wakes up , it gonna be hard for me not to overwhelm her because there is just so much i want to ask and so much i want to say . from how she feels to who did this , there's just so much . its heart breaking for me to see her like this to imagine what life would be like without her . i would be empty and lost , i wouldnt know how to feel. 

i walked over to her and sat down on the chair i was sitting on , " i know you love to sleep , but please i need you to wake up," i said lightly shaking her arm . 

i put my head on her forhead and kissed it , this is gonna be a long ass day . " fine only because you asked politley." i hear i horse girlish voice say and i immediatley shot my head up . " THANK FUCKING GOD" i yell making everyone lose attention to what they were doing . " holy shit y/n your awake." ale exclaimed and she laughed . god i missed that laugh.  " omg y/n please dont ever scare us like that again" meliyah said. she smiled looking at everyone , and immediate sadness tookover her face , tears streaming down her face " hey hey hey , whats the matter?" i said lightly while rubbing her cheek . " why would anyone do this to me , i dont even mess with anyone and i just moved here 3 months ago." she said with sadness laced in her voice and tears streming down her face . " look at me , whoever did this will pay , we just need to know what happened" i said lightly . she looked at me and shut her eyes , " okay , yesterday morning i was getting ready for school , i heard a knock on my door , i thought it was one of you guys , but when i checked the camera no one was there. i tried calling you to ask but i forgot to put my phone on the charger." she said , " thats why your phone was going to voicemail." kai said . " yes , i was about to put it on the charger until i heard glass break downstairs , i dropped it on my bed and went downstairs. i thought a cat got in or something but when i went in the living room it was just a man with blue eyes and blonde hair wearing a ski mask . he didnt really really cover his self well thats how i saw his hair." she said running out of breathe , " take your time sis" lelani said. her eyes were darker than usual , they looked as if they were filled with anger and sadness. " i tried to run but he caught up to me , i fought him off as much as i can. i finally got lose and tried running outside to get help, but he caught me . he pulled me by my hair and dragged me back inside the house . i bit is arm and ran upstairs but i tripped on one of the stairs and hurt my ankle but i made it . as soon as i got in i locked the door and tried calling 911 but my phone was still dead , it was quiet so i thought he left all i know is that in 5 seconds i felt a sharp pain in my lower back and it blacked out." she said . when i find this dude im going beat him senseless. 


if you guys cried im so sorry at least she's not dead.

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