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  Stepping off the train the excitement of seeing Harry really starts to kick in.

I mean i've been excited since earlier this week when he invited me. However now that i'm so close to seeing him, it's finally starting to feel real. Thankfully it's not nerves, i'm actually not worried at all for this. It's all just pure excitement. That's not common for me. I get nervous before everything. But not when it comes to Harry. He's probably the only person in the world who doesn't make me nervous to see in anyway whatsoever.

Speaking of Harry, he said he would meet me here at the train station so straight from the platform I walk through the building. Looking for the way out onto the street. He told me to go to a specific area but i've got no idea how to get there.

Walking forward I notice a map of the train station about three meters away from me.

I rush up to the sign with hopes to figure out where I need to be going. Once the map is right in front of me I look up at it, studying it with the purpose of finding my way around the station. This is a big train station, there's so many places and things on this map. I feel like it's going to take me all afternoon just to find the correct entrance. I lift my hand, using my pointer finger to scan the map.

Before I have the chance to find what I need, I feel a light tapping on my right shoulder. I turn right away, trying to discover the source of the tapping.

"Excuse me miss, are you lost?" Harry speaks right as I face him.

"Harry!" I shout joyfully, jumping forward to wrap my arms around him. He laughs and also encases me in a hug. His arms rest a bit lower than usual, my waist, because of my luggage of choice: my backpack. I break the hug pulling back as he says "I missed you Angel!" I smile and respond simply "I missed you too Harry." His famous giant grin takes home on his face.

"How'd you find me here?" I ask. I was so lost I can't imagine how Harry managed to find his way around the station and eventually locate me in the middle of it. Especially when I thought he was going to be waiting outside for me.

He throws his head back laughing "that's the entrance I told you to meet me at." He turns his body pointing to a nearby doorway. I widen my eyes "oh". He chuckles at this "cmon let's get out of here."

I agree, nodding, and we walk out of the train station and through the entranceway he had pointed to earlier. He leads me out onto the road, up to his car parked close by. Harry steps out in front of me and opens the passenger door for me. I mumble a 'thank you' before he runs over to his side, getting in as well.

When we're both seated Harry starts the car and I reach forward to put on the radio. However my hand is stopped before it can reach the console by Harry's hand. I look up at him with a puzzled expression. "No radio" he states sternly. I whine "what! why?" He looks at my pouting face and laughs lightly before going back to his stern expression. "I wanna talk to you" he says while driving the car away from the train station.

I nod in acknowledgment, smirking at him. Now it's Harry's turn to look at me confused "what?"

Harry always says things that are super cheesy. He's always been very sentimental. I like that about him though. I always know he appreciates the things I do for him and that he'll remember it forever.

I'm not like that at all. I tend to be forgetful and not sentimental at all. I throw birthday cards out the day after I get them and never say anything close to the sweet crap that Harry always seems to be saying. I've just never been like that as much as I appreciate the things others do for me. But Harry doesn't seem to mind.

I think that's why we're such a good pair. We've managed to remain best friends because of all our similarities and our differences. We're able to hang out and actually have good time together, enjoying the same things, but won't bore each other. Keeps things interesting I guess.

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