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  I expected to be woken up by Harry or the sun coming in through the windows. However that was not the case. What woke me up was a loud crashing sound that was followed by a shout.

I sit up immediately after hearing the noise and look around at my surroundings. From what I can tell i'm on Harry's couch still. However I don't know where he is as I am alone on the sofa. That is until I hear his voice. He lets out a quiet "ouch". I look down towards the ground at where the sound came from to see Harry laying on there, rubbing his head.

"What happened?" My voice comes out tired and raspy from a long night of sleep. I look down at him concerned. He turns his head over to face me up on the couch. "I fell" Harry pouts before sitting up, still on the floor.

I laugh at his sullen expression and flop back down on the couch, laying back yawning. "Not funny" he sulks angrily. He stands from the floor and looks down at me. "Yes it is" I smirk looking up at him above me. His eyes glance down from my eyes to my lips and then back up again quickly. It was such a fast transition, if I had blinked, I would have missed it.

Harry puts his right knee down onto the outside of the couch next to my legs. His body slumps down to accommodate the lower angle. He runs his fingers through his curly hair, attempting to get the unruly strands out of his face.

I continue to smirk up at him, internally still laughing at his fall from earlier. "Hey! I said it's not funny." Harry said trying to sound stern. However his attempt at a demanding attitude just makes me start to giggle. He raises an eyebrow at me warningly before giving up his serious act and chuckling along with me.

"I'm so tired." Harry complains.

"Well I can't imagine that we got the best sleep sharing this couch." I sarcastically respond. "I don't think it's the couches fault. It's just too early." Harry huffs falling forward. He lays right down so his body is flat against mine, chest to chest. My legs are spread slightly so his fit in the middle of them. His arms are bent at the elbows and resting on either side of me and his head is tucked neatly into my neck.

"What do you think you're doing?" I ask baffled.

"I said i'm tired." Harry puffs out. He moves his head around slightly, trying to get more comfortable.

"What time even is it?" I look down at his face to ask him. Instead of responding he lets out a groan, as if to say he's too tired to even find out.

I decide to not bother him. So instead of disrupting him I attempt to reach my phone from the coffee table in front of the couch. Using my left hand, I reach out as far as I can. I can't really see where i'm reaching because Harry's head is in the way but I try to navigate my phone with what little I can see.

When it feels like my arm can't stretch any further I finally feel the end of the coffee table. I blindly move my hand around the table, searching for my cellphone. Once I feel something relatively hard I drag it back to the best of my abilities. Now feeling like I have a good hold on it, I take it off the table and bring it up to my face.

"Shit" I curse as I look at the piece of pizza that i'm holding in my hand.

I feel Harry stir from on top of me and look down to see that I thankfully haven't disrupted him because he's already asleep again. I reach my hand back out and toss the pizza onto the table, not really caring where it lands.

Giving up on my quest to determine the time, I wrap my arms around Harry's back. I move around, getting comfortable, and decide to try and just go back to sleep as well.

However almost as soon as i've fully shit my eyes i'm distracted because I can hear a noise coming from outside the house. It sounds like people talking and laughing. Maybe I can just hear the other boys from their houses? I'd assume that this place would be too big for that though. Plus i'm only just now hearing it.

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