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  As the concert comes to a close I can't help but to feel all of my nerves bubble back up towards the surface. I know I'm going to see Harry after this and we might actually end up talking about what happened between us. Knowing my night could end with us having such an important conversation, very easily makes me extremely nervous.

The day started with Anne waking me up early to go out for breakfast. I was reluctant to get up at first but now I'm glad she did wake me. We had a really nice meal and then walked all around the city for both 'exercise and sightseeing' as Anne put it. We were out walking for most of the morning before we went back to the hotel.

Anne went out for lunch with Harry after that. She offered for me to go as well but I figured it would be better not to bombard Harry with too much of me when he isn't expecting it.

So she went out to eat and left me in the hotel room on my own to watch crappy daytime television.

We mostly just sat around talking once she came back until it got late. We ordered room service for dinner and ate it before getting ready together for the concert tonight. Anne and I left for the venue shortly after that.

Now i'm trying to stay calm as I listen to the band's final song of the night. I think back to yesterday when Harry lowered his guard slightly and was able to actually laugh around me. Things could go just as well as that tonight. Or they could go even better.

Or they could go much, much worse.

But why think about all the negatives when there are so many possibilities for a positive outcome. I'm at least trying to be more enthusiastic than I typically am. Otherwise I'll discourage myself before I even see Harry again.

Harry laughed at me yesterday. That's a really good sign. I just need to focus on that. And on calming my breathing because as I look over at Anne, I can tell she is concerned for me right now. I give her a tiny smile before facing the stage again and taking a deep breath. Hopefully that was convincing enough to get her to stop worrying about me.

The boys sing the final notes of 'Act My Age' before ending the show with their goodbyes/thank yous and leave the stage. I look to Anne beside me and notice she has her hand extended towards me, urging me to grab a hold of it. I take her hand in mine and we follow the security guard who had watched the show with us. We also watched the show with various members of the other boys' families. Anne introduced me to everyone there and they were all very nice. Although most assumed I was dating Harry and I had to correct them.

The guard guides us backstage, weaving us through packed crowds and metal barricades. We're taken into a room that resembles much of a living room, with two black leather couches facing each other and a food table in the corner covered in various snacks.

The guard who brought us here tells us the boys won't be long and they usually like to shower after a show so that's probably what they're doing right now. I nod in response and they smile saying "help yourselves to anything on that table", pointing to the snack covered table. Anne and I thanked the security guard before they left the room, leaving us alone to wait for the boys.

I walk up to the table in the corner, reaching out for a bottle of water with a slight shake to my hands. Being in this room really solidifies my nerves. I unscrew the bottle cap with shaky hands and an anxious stomach. Throwing back the water, I hope it will help settle my nervous energy. I take several slugs from the bottle before screwing the cap back on and slumping my body down onto one of the leather couches. Anne takes a seat beside me on the sofa. I turn to face her, seeing a cookie in her hand and a small smile on her face as she takes a bite out of it.

She reaches out with her free hand to rub my back, attempting to calm me in any way she can. Despite how minimal of an action, her movements have me feeling a thousand times better already.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2022 ⏰

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