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"Oh so now you care about my feelings?"

Harry's words hit me hard. Immediately making me feel guilty. I don't know if it's guilt that I went against his wishes with Niall or just that I feel guilty for hurting his feelings apparently.

Other than guilt, I am also confused.

I always have cared about Harry's feelings and wanted him to be happy. I'm not sure what it is exactly that I did to make him upset. He hasn't exactly been very open with me recently. But the last thing I ever wanted to do was upset him.

Harry is my best friend after all and even after just hearing him say those words, my heart is aching. I was always someone who could make Harry feel better or laugh whenever he was feeling down. Just as he always was the same for me. So now that i've let him down unknowingly, it really and truly breaks my heart and completely shatters me.

I look up at him frowning. "Harry what are you talking about?" I ask him. He looks over at me sitting on the bed next to him and says "I think you know what you did Angel. Don't pretend to be naive."

"Harry I swear i'm not pretending to be anything. You've refused to tell me why you've been angry the past two days and I really don't know what you're talking about."

"So did I just dream the conversation we had about you staying away from Niall then?" Harry asks me, his voice laced with anger.

Although I know he did tell me to stay away from Niall, I really don't understand why or how that resulted in me hurting Harry's feelings. I don't know how me going on a date with Niall would mean I didn't care about Harry's feelings.

"Harry i'm sorry I went on a date with Niall even though you told me to stay away from him but I don't understand why you're so upset about this" I say trying to plead with Harry just to give me some insight into his mind and what he's been feeling.

"I told you to stay away from him." Harry said very sternly. It almost feels like i'm being reprimanded by my mom for not doing the dishes while she was gone like she had asked. Talking to Harry literally feels like getting yelled at by my mom and I don't like that. Usually around him I feel so comfortable and happy but now he's acting like a parent.

"I don't need you to protect me from boys Harry, I can make my own decisions. And isn't Niall your friend. Why can't you trust him to treat me well?" I ask Harry. "I'm trying to protect you Angel. I just asked you to stay away from him ok?" Harry says coldly.

"But why? I don't understand. You haven't given me a reason to stay away from him." I say starting to get angry and it's very obvious through the tone of my voice.

"You went directly against my will. I really don't appreciate that" he says avoiding the question I had just asked him.

Now he's really pissing me off. The way he's talking reminds me too much of my mum. I look at him very angry and say "Harry I already have a cold hearted bitch for a mother who never explains herself ever, I really don't need you acting the same."

"I'm sorry. I don't want to act like that but I still want you stay away from him." He says almost sounding empathetic.

I can feel tears building in my eyes. I squeeze my eyes shut in an attempt to stop them from forming. However it's no use as I almost always cry when I'm angry. It's a habit I wish I didn't have but unfortunately you don't get to choose things like that. I feel a tear run down my cheek as I say "you can always talk to me. I just wish you'd tell what's going on."

Harry notices my saddened expression and my tears. He frowns as he looks at my face. He looks down at his lap, avoiding my gaze. "You didn't listen to me" he says sadly. Harry reached his hand up to wipe the tears off my cheeks but I stop him first by grabbing his wrist. I bring his hand back down to his lap not wanting his comfort right now as he's the reason i'm crying.

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