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Today was mine and Harry's last full day together. Midday tomorrow Harry has to leave for London. The band had bought a house together and were moving in tomorrow so they could finish the new album and start promo.

It feels like he only just got here. Like he only just came home.

But now he already has to leave.

Everything was moving too fast. Very soon One Direction is going to start their second tour, leaving me behind.

Of course Harry's not really leaving me behind but sometimes it feels like that. Like i'm losing my best friend. Harry has tried to assure me that I would never be left behind and we'll always be friends. That helps to ease some of my worries but obviously neither of us can predict the future.

"You know what we should do?" Harry turns to me next to him on the couch and asks, startling me awake from my daydream.

I look back at him wondering what he could possibly be about to suggest. "No. Harry what should we do?" I say with a bit a of sarcasm laced in my tone.

Harry glares at me with disapproval. "Shut up" he smacks my arm playfully making me laugh. "We should stay up all night."

"Like not sleep at all?" I ask.

"Yes, that's kind of the point of staying awake all night long." Harry says in a matter of fact tone.

I roll my eyes at his haughty demeanour and turn my body laying back on the couch, resting my head down on the armrest and my legs across Harry's lap. "Alright alright, I get it mr popstar." He scoffs jokingly. "Aren't you gonna be tired tomorrow though?" I ask.

He looks down at me and shrugs. "I guess but it's not like i'm doing very much of the moving. All the furniture has already been moved in and the boys hired someone to carry all our stuff."

"Lucky you." I grin sitting up for a minute to poke his nose. "Popstar gets to hire people to do his chores for him." I smirk as I lay back down.

"Not fair." Harry pouts. "It was the boys' idea not mine."

"Oh i'm sure popstar." I continue smirking.

Harry grabs my legs from his lap and lifts them off himself while simultaneously turning to kneel on the couch facing me. He's over my thighs, legs on either side of mine in the middle.

I gasp at the fast transition, still trying to process what just happened.

He takes my arms from my sides and holds one wrist in each of his hands. He slowly brings my arms up so both my hands are resting next to my head, remaining there by his force.

He lowers his head slightly to be just above mine, only a few inches remain between us. "Call me popstar one more time." Harry warns daring me to continue my antics.

I look straight at him smirking as I whisper as quietly as possible "popstar."

"That's it." Harry shouts energetically before letting go of my arms in order to tickle my sides.

I immediately begin laughing. Probably sounding mad to anyone around who could possibly hear us.

Harry continues his attack, tickling me as he laughs along with me.

"Ok" I say in between laughs. "Ok" I shout a bit louder, my voice still muffled by my laughter.

"Ok Harry, stop" I continue to laugh as he doesn't stop tickling me.

"Harry." I try to say sternly but because of the laughter it comes out as more excited than I'd wanted it to.

He finally stops tickling me and takes a moment to catch his breath before getting off of me to stand next to me laying on the couch. He walks forward slightly and I question him "Hey! Where are you going?"

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