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I slowly am awaken by the sound of someone talking quietly. I'm not quite sure what the sound is until I glance down from the bed at Niall who is on instagram.

Then I notice that I feel something under the blanket draped over my stomach. I lift the covers and see that it's just Harry's arm. I turn my body to face him and see him laying on his stomach facing me with one arm on me and the other up by his head.

When I moved, I must've disturbed his peaceful sleep because he begins scrunching his nose and squeezing his eyes shut. He lifts his arm off my stomach and rubs his eyes, turning his body off his stomach and onto his side facing me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize i'd done that. Must've done it in my sleep" Harry said his voice deep and raspy from sleeping, referring to his arm that used to be around my torso.

"Oh no it's fine Harry. I wasn't uncomfortable" I was quick to reassure him.

"That's good because I was comfortable" He said while pulling me onto him so my arm was around his side and my head was resting on his chest.

"Harry!" I said laughing.

"What? I thought you said it was fine?" Harry asked. "Mhm" I hummed "it was fine but now we need to get up"

"And why do we need to do that?" Harry asked me.

Before I could respond, Niall sat up from the air mattress looking at us and said "Breakfast. I'm starving" answering Harry's question.

Harry glared at Niall, extremely unamused after he interrupted us. I sat up from Harry's chest getting very uncomfortable that Niall saw us like that.

I know it doesn't matter cause Harry and I are friends plus we hug all the time but still it felt weird doing that in front of Niall. Almost like I was rubbing it in his face although I wasn't. I'm sure Niall didn't care either cause we've only just met anyways but still, it felt wrong.

Harry now looks at me very unhappy almost frowning because I sat up. I just look at him with a confused expression and stand up from the bed.

I walk to the closet and get my duffel bag out and sit on the floor outside the closet. I rummage through the bag looking for the clothes I want to wear.

"Good morning Angel" Niall says while looking over at me smirking. "Good morning Niall" I say very sleepily.

"And Good morning Harry" Niall turned smiling very big at an extremely unamused Harry.

"Shut up Niall" Harry said and flopped face down on his pillow.

Finally finding the clothes I wanted, I grab them and get out of the room. There was so much tension in there. Harry obviously still mad at Niall for some reason.

I went into the bathroom and changed quickly. Afterwards I brushed my teeth and my hair.

When I open the door to leave the bathroom I notice Louis standing at the entrance waiting for me to be finished.

"Hey Louis"

"Good morning luv"

"Good morning" I said walking past him into Harry's room while he went into the bathroom.

I carried my pyjamas that I had just changed out of over to my duffel bag that was on the floor next to Harry's closet.

All the boys were up now and rummaging through their suitcases searching for clothes to wear today. Harry however was still in bed lying on his stomach. I walk up to the side of his bed.

"Cmon sleeping beauty. Your mum is going to wanna spend time with you" I said reaching my arm out to nudge his shoulder. "I know, I know i'm getting up" Harry said reluctantly while finally turning over and sitting up. He rubbed his tired eyes and hoped of the bed, walking out the room and into the bathroom.

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