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hey! i know it's been almost three months but i do actually plan on continuing this story. sorry for the crazy long break i unintentionally took. i feel really awful for making you wait this long. i hate making excuses but i've had so much going on recently that it's been hard to find the time or motivation to write. i guess i should've realized that once i started writing this fanfic my entire life would turn upside down because that always seems to happen to wattpad writers lol. i know my story isn't big in any sense but i do see a couple of regular readers so i'm sorry to you guys. i have missed writing like crazy and have been beating myself up over leaving you hanging. if you have stuck around this long i'm so incredibly grateful that you've chosen to read my fic. i hope wherever or whoever you are that you're doing well and i wish you nothing but happiness and love as you continue your life journey. so thank you for reading and voting and giving my fic a chance. without further a-due here is the chapter i've made you wait far too long for. <3


I wasn't expecting the drive to the studio to be so short. However it feels like as soon as we got into the car, we were there. I'm sure they picked this house out with that in mind. That the studio would be close enough that they could even walk there in a dire situation.

Harry woke me up this morning with breakfast in bed. He had made bagels for the two of us. Not an impressive meal but I definitely appreciated the thoughtful gesture.

I had sat up after hearing the sound of his bedroom door opening. Confused when I looked over to see he was no longer next to me in bed. I quickly understand what was happening though, once I saw Harry saunter in through the doorway with a tray of food and a sheepish smile on his face. He looked so nervous even though what he was doing was extremely sweet.

He had sat down on the bed next to me and shyly said "I made you breakfast so you could eat in bed." I thanked him immediately and profusely, never having experienced anything as kind as this before. We got dressed and hopped in the car almost immediately after finishing our breakfast.

Now we are parked out in front of the music studio Harry promised to take me to today. I finally get to hear track three.

Harry had teased me the whole way their about my swift choosing of track three and he went on and on about how funny he believed the whole situation to be. I of course could never feel offended by his teasing so I laughed along and enjoyed his company that I so rarely have anymore.

"You excited?" Harry turns to me and questions after parking the car. I smile up at him, genuinely happy and enthusiastic about today. "Of course I am!" I exclaim. "I don't think it's possible for anyone to be more excited than I am in this moment."

"Woah" his eyebrows raise and eyes widen "that's a big statement Angel." His eyes narrow, doubting my words "how do I know you're not exaggerating?"

"I think you'll just have to trust me" I say reaching over to open my door, looking smugly at Harry as I get out of the car. Harry sits there dumbly even after i've shut the door and walked around to his side. "You gonna get out of there anytime soon? I need to hear track three!" I slightly yell, knocking on his car window. Harry shakes his head as if he's knocking himself out of a trance and looks over at me out the window. I wave my hand in a 'come hither' motion to encourage him to get out of the car already.

Harry opens the door "alright i'm coming, calm down." He grabs my hand, pulling me up to the studio entrance. "You'll get to hear you're precious track three don't worry" he lightly laughs.

I give him a blank look, showcasing my annoyance with his teasing. Harry rolls his eyes playfully before opening the door and dragging me inside the studio. I'm immediately met with a reception style area, big desk and employee behind it, and a long hallway with many doors all the way down.

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