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One week later

The day has finally arrived. One Direction is performing in Sheffield tonight.

I'm so excited to not only see Harry but also to watch him perform. I've only seen him perform solo or with his old band White Eskimo. So this will be my first time seeing One Direction live.

As nervous as I am to talk to Niall in person because I know i'll embarrass myself, i'm very excited to see him as well.

I know we don't know each other well yet but i'm hoping we'll get close while they're staying here. As much as i'd love for that to happen, I know it won't.

I don't tend to be very lucky with the opposite sex. Even though I have had a boyfriend. But we only got together because his friend Chris set us up.

I've spent all morning at Harry's house with Anne and Gemma. Anne insisted that I come over first thing in the morning. I know it's probably because she misses Harry so much  and I remind her of him being home but she claims to miss me as well.

Even though I don't believe that it's true, it feels really nice having her miss me and enjoy me hanging around.

Makes me feel like I really am in the family.

I don't have any siblings so being able to have Gemma and treat her as the older sister I always wanted is really great. She always gives me advice and helps whenever I need it.

I actually got my first period when I was 13 at Harry's house and had to ask Gemma for help. She made me feel less uncomfortable and didn't embarrass me in front of Harry like I was afraid of. Since then we've gotten even closer.

The three of us have been watching garbage reality tv all morning. We tend to do this most times I come over. We'll start one episode and say that'll be it and then we get sucked in and end up watching America's Next Top Model for 3 hours.

"We should probably get going it's almost 5. Especially if we wanna grab dinner before the concert" Anne said.

"Oh yeah. We definitely should get going" Gemma responded. "Ok I just have to grab my sweater" I said while walking to Harry's room.

I grabbed my sweater off Harry's bed and headed for the door. We all walked down the driveway to the car.

Anne got in the driver's seat and Gemma took the passenger's while I sat in the back. This was going to be a long drive so Anne turned on the radio.

Funnily enough One Direction's song What Makes You Beautiful was playing.

"We just can't escape the little shit can we?" Gemma said laughing.

"Gemma, language" Anne scolded.

After what felt like only ten minutes because we were all singing and having a good time, Anne pulled up to a Mcdonald's in London.

"Now i'm usually not a fan of fast food but every restaurant is going to be busy because of the concert tonight" Anne said.

"Don't worry Anne, I love Mcdonald's." I said smiling.

We went through the drive through and picked up our order. We decided just to eat while driving because we were almost at the venue and didn't want to stop as we couldn't wait to see Harry.

When we pulled up to the venue Anne said "let's go see Harry" very excitedly. "Cant wait to punch him for taking my headphones across the continent without letting me know" Gemma said.

We all laughed and walked up to the arena. Harry directed us to use a side entrance because that's where they let the families and friends of the bands in. We walked to the entrance and were greeted by a big man with yellow t-shirt that said security.

How he wasn't freezing outside in that t-shirt I don't know.

"Passes?" he asked.

We all held up the backstage passes Harry had sent us. Once the security guard saw them he opened the door and said "Go straight down that hallway to the fourth door on the left. Have a great time"

"Thank you" Anne responded.

We walked through the door and down the hallway to the door the man had told us about.

But while walking I couldn't help but get really nervous. What if Harry had made new friends that he liked more than me and didn't want to talk to me anymore.

It's a very plausible option. I'm sure he's met some really cool celebrities that he'd much rather spend time with than me. However I know this is just my brain being mean to me. Harry and I have been friends forever. He wouldn't just throw that all away. Even for a super cool celebrity.

Gemma knocked on the door and it very quickly was opened.

Standing in front of us was Harry with the biggest smile on his face.

It feels like it's been an eternity since i've seen that smile in person.

Harry very quickly gets pulled into a hug from Anne. "Harry i've missed you so much. You don't call me enough, I miss hearing your voice."

"I'm sorry, i've been so busy. I missed you too" Harry said as Anne released him from her hold.

Gemma reached out her arms like she was gonna hug him but as Harry went to hug her back she punched him on the shoulder.

Harry winced in pain. "Ow. What the hell was that for?"

"That was for my headphones you dimwit" Gemma answered. "Oh I guess I deserve that then" Harry chuckled.

Harry looked over at me and walked towards me with his arms out. I reached out and hugged him.

"I missed you guys so much. The boys aren't nearly as good of huggers" Harry said laughing. "Very funny Harry." I said while releasing myself from his embrace.

"Well come on in here" Harry said directing us to enter his dressing room. "The show is starting in half an hour so you'll have to wait until after to meet the boys unfortunately."

"That's alright. There's only one boy I really want to see anyways and he's standing in front of me" Anne said.

She's such a kind soul and not to mention an incredible mother.

My mom has never been the most warm hearted. She tends to be very distant and almost likes to keep our relationship professional. I love her but sometimes I wish she was more like Anne.

My father was a lot like Anne. Really kind and loving I mean.

However he passed away just after my 10th birthday. He had battled cancer for 3 years before. Once he died though, Anne made sure she stepped into the role of being the loving parent I needed. I always looked up to her.

We sat on the small couch in Harry's dressing room and talked for 20 minutes. Trying to catch up on everything we missed while he was away.

Then someone knocked on the door. "Come in" Harry said.

In walked an old bald man in all black attire. "Hey Harry, you better get going. Ten minutes until show time."

"Ok thank you" Harry answered.

The man left and shut the door behind him while Anne, Gemma and I stood up. "We better go find our seats then" Anne said.

"Yeah, i'll see you guys after" Harry said.

We walked out of the room and down the hallway. When we found another security guard, Anne asked them how to find our seats.

They lead us out to the performance area and up to our seats.

"Thank you so much" Gemma said as the security guard left us.

"I can't believe I get to watch my baby perform here" Anne said obviously amazed by the size of the arena. "It really is incredible in here isn't it" I said. "Mhmm" Gemma hummed.

Soon enough the boys came on stage and I got to see One Direction live for the very first time.

i changed it so they performed in Sheffield now instead of London cause i think it makes more sense geography wise lmao

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