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a couple weeks later

I miss Harry.

Since I left Harrys house that weekend, it's all i've seemed to feel. I miss my best friend. I don't think i've ever missed him this much before. Even when he left for X Factor I was too excited for him chasing his dreams to be sad about him being away.

The boys left for their tour the other day. Even though I did say goodbye when I saw him last, I wish I could have a proper goodbye before he left to travel around the world. It just feels wrong to have not hugged him goodbye right before he left for tour.

Because i've been upset about missing Harry, i've been moping around all day everyday since I left his house. My mom thinks i'm insane for sleeping in until twelve everyday during the summer. At first she kept trying to get me up earlier but she's since gave up on that because I wasn't listening to her anyways. On a typical day I spend my whole morning in bed and my afternoon sitting around waiting for Harry to text or call me.

Andrew is particularly mad about my sulking. He says Harry leaving shouldn't upset me so much. I guess he's probably right.


Don't get me wrong, i'm not constantly in bed. I hang out with Andrew a lot. It's just the days where he's busy that i'm in my house wandering around gloomy all day.

I try not to complain about missing Harry too much in front of Andrew because I know how much he hates that.

That being said, I also try not to complain to Harry either cause I don't want him to feel bad or anything about being gone. What's he's doing is a dream come true for him and if I made him regret it or feel guilty that would be wrong of me.

Harry tries to call me everyday but he doesn't have a lot of time. Plus on some days where he only really has time for one phone call he calls just his mum. Of course on those days he does at least text me with updates on tour life. He's very adamant about not losing contact with me. No matter how much I tell him it's alright if I don't hear from him for a bit when he's busy. However Harry says that's none sense and insists on staying in touch constantly.

Today is one of those days where i'm hanging out with Andrew instead of sulking around my house. I'm going over to his house to help him pack for school. Andrew and I both got into the university of Manchester. I'm going for journalism like I had originally told Harry i wanted to do. We're both going to live in student residence. Seeing as it's getting closer and closer to the fall, Andrew wanted to get started on packing and asked me to help him with it.

I'm driving over to his house right now. My mom finally loosened up and let me borrow the car. I can count on my hands the amount of times she's let me drive the car since I got my license.

I pull into his driveway before turning off the car and getting out. I text him a quick "here" before walking up the steps and knocking on his door. The door swings open swiftly, revealing a rushed looking Andrew.

"Come on, i've already started without you." He grabs my right arm, pulling me into the house. I follow behind him silently as he drags me to his bedroom in the basement. Andrew gestures with his hands to all the clothes piled on his bed. "You can start with these. I want them all to fit in that bag." He points to a travel suitcase in the corner that I can already tell is way too small for the mountain of clothing sitting here.

In an attempt to not start an argument this early into packing I let out a timid "ok" before grabbing the first item of clothing I see. As I fold one of Andrews t-shirts as small as I possibly can, he fills a cardboard box with other stuff he's determined to bring with him.

After i've folded the majority of the clothes in the pile, my phone dings. I put the pair of pants in my hands down on the bed and pull my phone out of my pocket.

"What are doing?" Andrew asks quickly, looking up from his spot on the floor. I look down at Andrew with his hands inside a box, trying to fit all of his posters into the box that's pretty much already filled.

I look down at the text quickly reading it over. "Harry texted me." Looking back at Andrew, he rolls his eyes before getting back to the task at hand. Frowning, I look back down at my phone reading the text again "hey Angel, how's packing Andrew's things going? Hope he isn't giving you any trouble." I send a quick response before going back to folding the massive pile of clothes on Andrew's mattress.

I try to talk myself up, feeling myself gain the confidence to say what's on my mind. "You know Harry's my best friend, and I care about him right?"

Andrew gives me a weird look, furrowing his eyebrows before saying "what is that supposed to mean?"

"You have this weird vendetta against him, but he's someone that I care about and I feel like you should be trying to get to know him, not rolling your eyes whenever I talk about him." I completely stop the folding i'm doing to face Andrew while i'm speaking.

"He's all you ever talk about Angel. What am I supposed to think about him? I'm competing with him for your attention and he's not even here."

"I don't from him very often and I just looked at one text. You haven't tried to talk to me at all since I got here. If you were really 'fighting' for my attention, you would've tried harder." I throw the item of clothing in my hands down on the bed in frustration. Grumbling in anger, I walk out of Andrew's room and up the basement stairs heading out his front door.

Getting into my car and sitting down in the driver's seat, I throw my head back against the headrest frustrated with the whole situation. I kind of expected Andrew to come after me but as I look up to the front door, theres no sign of him anywhere. No matter how hard I try to just cry and let my sorrow out, I can't feel anything but mad about this all. I smack my hand against the steering wheel before finally putting my key in the ignition. I take one last look at the front door as I pull out of Andrew's driveway.

He isn't there.

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