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Harry was coming home in the car with Anne, Gemma and I. The other boys had cars arranged to drive them that their management set up.

We've been driving for about ten minutes and Harry refuses to look at me. He must be really upset about what happened with Niall earlier.

I understand that he told me to stay away from Niall but Harry really has no right to be upset since all I did was call Niall pretty. He's really overreacting and i'm allowed to do whatever I want. Harry doesn't control my actions.

Anne and Gemma were singing loudly along with the radio so I figured it was the perfect time to ask Harry what was wrong. I leaned over to his side of the car and whispered to him "Are you mad at me or something?"

He didn't respond so I leaned over again and put my hand on his knee saying "Harry seriously please tell me what's wrong".

Harry looked at my hand on his knee and then turned his head towards me, finally acknowledging my presence. "No i'm not mad at you"

"Then why are you ignoring me?" I ask.

"I'm not. It's stupid just forget about it" Harry said. "No Harry something is obviously wrong. You can tell m—" I got cut off because Anne turned the radio down and we pulled into Harry's driveway. "We're home" Anne turned her head to Harry and I in the backseat and smiled.

Harry looked away from me and turned his head forwards. "Feels great to be back."

We all get out of the car and walk to the front door. A car pulls up in Harry's front yard, stopping while Louis and Zayn get out.

"Hey we're right on time eh!" Louis yells from the car.

"Yeah perfect timing, we just got here too" Harry yells back.

Anne unlocks the door while Louis and Zayn walk up the driveway. We all go inside. "Are you boys hungry?" Anne asks them.

"I'm not but i'm gonna put on the kettle cause I definitely need a tea. The adrenaline after a show can be a bit much" Harry responds. "Oh good idea Harry, make enough for all of us. We need to calm down after that concert" Louis says to him.

"Angel will you show the boys Harry's room so they can put their suitcases away?" Anne asks me.

"Oh yeah of course" I answer.

Before I begin leading Zayn and Louis down the hallway the front door opens and in walks Niall and Liam.

"You boys follow Angel, she'll bring you to Harry's room" Anne says to them. "Perfect, thank you" Liam says.

Niall runs up to stand next to me and I look at Harry. He's glaring at Niall. Thankfully Niall can't see his face. Harry turns his head towards me with a very angry look on his face. I just looked at him confused, furrowing my brows.

I turn and lead all four boys down the hallway towards Harry's bedroom.

Niall turns to me and asks "So how was the drive with Mr. Grumpy?"

I laugh and say "He wouldn't talk to me. I don't know what's wrong with him."

"I think he's got a crush on you Angel" Liam says surprising me. I turn my head to Liam. "Doubt it and I don't think ignoring me really is a sign that he's got a crush" I respond.

Which is true. Why would Harry have a crush on me? We've been best friends forever and he's never showed any signs of liking me before. Plus it's me and I think Harry's standards are at least a little higher. Even if he did have a crush on me, why would he be ignoring me? That doesn't make any sense.

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