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6 Months Later

I haven't seen Harry since he left for his X Factor audition that day.

Since the finale his group from the show, One Direction has started a European tour to increase their popularity.

Which I kinda doubt they need because pretty much everyone is a fan of the band. I've even seen online that they have American fans too.

That's pretty incredible because it's quite difficult for a UK band to gain a following across the world. But if any band could do it, it'd be One Direction.

They put out a really good album. Very poppy and perfect for the radio. So obviously America ate it up.

Plus they're really good guys. Incredible singers with massive talent but also really charming. They really know how to grab your attention and get you to like them. It also doesn't hurt that they are all really attractive guys.

Very soon the tour is coming to England. So i'll get to see Harry when they play in Sheffield.

I miss him so much.

As much as I love that we get to chat on the phone everyday. I'd much prefer to hear his voice in person. Although hearing his voice every time I turn on the radio is also really awesome. Which is something I don't think I will ever get used to.

Anne, Gemma and I are all going to the concert together. I'm very much looking forward to spending the night with them.

I don't get to see Anne and Gemma as much as I'd like to anymore with Harry being gone. Even though Anne does stress that it's perfectly fine for me to come over whenever I want, I feel a little weird doing that without Harry being there with me.

Although I have gone there for dinner a few times and had a couple sleepovers with Gemma. Of course i'm sure Gemma would much rather hangout with friends her own age but I really appreciate them treating me like apart of the family.

When One Direction comes to play in London they'll get a few days off after the show. Which means I'll get to see Harry for longer than expected.

But is also means that since it's not long enough for all the boys to go home to their families, they'll be staying at Anne's as well.

To be honest i'm very excited about that. I'll get to meet all the boys properly and get to know them.

I probably just feel this way because I'm going to get to meet Niall but whatever.

He's really cute and sometimes when Harry calls, Niall takes his phone and talks to me for awhile. I've kind of developed a real crush on him. Even though Harry said not to.

But I guess what Harry doesn't know won't kill him and since when do I let Harry control my actions.

Also I don't even know if Niall feels the same way so this probably won't amount to anything anyways. However it'd be really nice if it did.

I've only ever had one proper boyfriend.

His name was George and we only dated for 7 months. We had to break up cause he was moving away.

I was upset at first but Harry comforted me and helped me move on. Harry's always been good at that sort of thing. I don't think he realizes how much I wouldn't have been able to get through if it wasn't for his help.

Tonight Harry and I have a skype call planned. I don't usually like talking over skype as I get really nervous for some reason. I'm guessing it's because instead of just hearing you like a regular phone call, the other person can see you too.

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