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"Get up we're going for a hike!"

I awoke and opened my eyes to see Anne standing in Harry's bedroom doorway shouting. Since I only just woke up it took me a minute to process what she was saying. "What?" I asked her sleepily.

"I said get out of bed. We're going hiking!" Anne yelled enthusiastically before leaving the room.

I turned over to see Harry rubbing his eyes. In his deep and raspy morning voice he said "what time is it?"

I looked over at my phone on Harry's bedside table and turned it on. "It's 8am" I answered him. "Wow it is way too early for this" Harry complained grumpily.

"Yes but your mum hasn't seen you in a month. She just wants to spend time with you" I said as Harry groaned. "Now cmon and get out of bed. It'll make her happy."

Harry looked up at me with an annoyed glare. "You're supposed to be on my side. You're my friend not hers"

"Well maybe I like her better now." I said laughing as I stood up and got out of the bed. "After all she didn't leave me to become a popstar."

"Hey!" Harry said defensively.

"I'm just kidding now get up" I pushed Harrys shoulder in an attempt to force him out of bed.

"What's in it for me?" Harry asked. "Hmm" I hummed thinking for a moment. "I'll set you up in a date with Amaya" I coaxed him.

Amaya was a one my friends at school. I had seen Harry check her out more than once while we were together. I was always a little suspicious that he had a crush on her.

Harry looked at me suddenly sad. He frowned as he said "I don't want to go on a date with Amaya."

"What do you mean? I've seen the way you look at her. I know you like her." I stated like it was common knowledge. I really did think he had a crush on her. Why else was he always looking at her like that.

"What do you mean the way I look at her? I've never checked her out" Harry said starting to get confused.

I equally as confused said "yeah you have. I've seen it."

"You've got that wrong for sure. I must've been looking at someone else." Harry explained frowning.

That's really odd. I don't know who else he would've been looking at. I swore he was always looking in our direction.

"Oh well then if you get out of bed, i'll make you breakfast" I tried to persuade him.

"Deal" Harry quickly responded.

I laughed at his sudden agreement and walked out into the kitchen. I looked back and saw Harry following me. "I was just gonna have cereal. Is that what you want?" I asked him. He sat down on a stool next to the kitchen island and answered "yeah. Anything you make me would be perfect."

I smiled "you're quite the charmer Mr. Styles." I opened the cupboard and pulled out my cereal of choice. Harry blushed at my compliment while I reached up and tried to grab two bowls for us. However I wasn't tall enough to reach them.

I felt Harry's body press against mine from behind and saw his arm reach up and grab the bowls that were out of my reach. He stepped back a bit handing me the bowls as I turned around. "I was supposed to be making you breakfast" I pouted.

"Yeah well I can't help it that you're too short" Harry smirked. "Whatever, let me do the rest" I said pushing him away. Harry walked around the island and took his seat again. I opened the cutlery drawer and took out two spoons. I poured the cereal into the bowls and walked to the fridge. I grabbed the milk and walked back over to our bowls on the island. While pouring the milk, I looked up at Harry and saw him grinning at me.

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