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A couple weeks later

  After Harry left to join the other boys at the new house so they could work on the album, not much had changed in my life.

Anne took me home once we got back from the train station and I settled back into life at my house alone. Not actually alone of course because my mum was there but I don't really see her much and I mean alone more so in the fact that I didn't have my best friend by my side since Harry's not here with me anymore.

I had woken up the day after Harry left to quite a few notifications. Some of my friends and classmates were texting me things like 'check twitter' or asking me 'if it's true'. I obviously had no idea what was going on but found out shortly after once I opened up twitter.

The fan who had spotted Harry, had tweeted about it, mostly about the fact that Harry Styles was out for breakfast with a girl. This quickly led to mass speculation and resulted in the words 'Harry styles girlfriend' to be trending on twitter. The story was also getting big because apparently the girl who had come up to us had taken another photo of us before she approached us. The picture showed Harry and I laughing and having a good time. It was taken at a distance, clearly she had taken the photograph while she was still sitting at her own table with her friends.

However you could still obviously tell that it was a picture of Harry.

As for me though, they couldn't figure out my identity. Probably since the photo was just of my side profile and not much of my face was visible.

It's a good thing though because I don't want any media attention, and especially not for being Harry's girlfriend when i'm not.

Harry had apologized profusely for the entire situation but I assured him I was not mad and this was in no way his fault. He was a little upset that they had immediately assumed we were dating but was ultimately relieved they couldn't figure out my identity since he knows that I would prefer to be out of the public eye.

The boy that i've been going out with, Andrew, was confused at first when he saw the headlines. Because we've spent some time together he could clearly tell that the girl in the photograph was me. Andrew questioned me about it. He was worried that our dates had meant nothing to me, or at least more to him than they did to me. I corrected him and assured him that the media had blown Harry and I's breakfast way out of proportion. He was glad to hear that Harry and I are just friends.

Today I am actually going out on a date with Andrew. We've been going on dates for a while and have been on several successful ones. I am really enjoying my time with him and it seems like he is too.

I've got no idea where we're going for this date though. Andrew thought it would be romantic to surprise me I guess. He just told me to dress casual and that'd he'd be at my house to pick me up around eleven in the morning.

I'm getting dressed right now, or at least I was until I heard a car horn honking from outside. That must be Andrew. I rush to finish putting my clothes on and run out of my room and down the stairs. I sprint to the door but am stopped by my mother. She steps in front of the door, crossing her arms and looking down at me sternly through her glasses.

"Where are you going?" She asks raising her eyebrows.

I smile at her, trying to lighten the mood and hopefully not upset her. "On a date." I state quickly.

She widens her eyes and sighs "What kind of boy doesn't come to the door?"

"Mum, does it really matter? That's just not how dating works anymore. I've gotta go." I rush past her out the front door. I don't know why she looks so much into everything. Who cares if he doesn't come to the door? I wasn't worried about it, so why should she be.

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