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  "Angel! Cmon, Angel!"

I can hear the distant shouting that was coming from a voice I recognized but couldn't quite put a face to. However I chose to ignore it, seeing as it feels as though I am inside a dream like state. Maybe I am still dreaming. With all my knowledge on dreams, I know that once you recognize that the dream you are having isn't real, you can control it. I try to will the voice away, using all my brain power. But it continues.

"Time to get up. Now!"

Maybe i'm not dreaming.

I huff, smushing my face farther into the pillow and pushing my body into the mattress like putty moulding to the shape of its container. The voice still doesn't stop, shouting more angry statements before I hear the yelling getting closer and closer until the yelling is coming from directly behind me. Rolling over in my bed in order to discover the source of all the noise, I come face to face with my mother.

"I told you to get up, now get up!" She glares at me threateningly with her arms crossed. "Angela...It is already ten in the morning. Get up."

Looking up at her from my laying position in my bed I try to hide my annoyance and angrily huff out "don't call me that."

"Angela it's your name." My mum looks down at me confused and slightly taken aback. No matter how many times I have told her not to call me that, she always forgets or at least pretends to. My bets on the latter. She could never except when I started going only by my nickname. Oddly enough she almost never called me by my full name until after I said I didn't want to go by Angela anymore. No matter how good of a reason I have to no longer be called by my full name, she doesn't care.

"I've told you so many times, I don't want to be called that anymore." Now i'm the one glaring at her. "Plus why do I have to be awake at ten?"

"Early bird gets the worm." She states simply leaving me puzzled. Why would that stupid phrase mean I have to get up before noon? She rolls her eyes, clearly fed up with my confusion. "If you ever want to be successful you're going to have to train yourself to have discipline and wake up earlier. How are you ever going to run a company or become a doctor one day if you can't even wake up at ten in the morning."

I shake my head and speak a little quieter than before "I don't want to be either of those things."

My mum straightens her body out, standing up completely before turning to exit my bedroom "time to get up." She pretended that she didn't hear what I said but I know she heard it. Anytime I say something that doesn't go along with her plan for me she ignores it. She's got this 'perfect' future planned out for me but has no idea of what I actually want.

I slowly sit up, stretching my tired limbs. I guess it's better if I actually do get up now rather than facing my mum's wrath later on. I throw my legs over the side of my bed, rubbing my sleepy eyes. It feels like I only slept for five minutes.

I guess I did go to sleep pretty late.

After Andrew dropped me off last night I was pretty restless. You know with me being all giddy about the fact I have a boyfriend now.

Or it could have just been my anxiety keeping me up. I was so embarrassed last night after dodging his kiss. I spent hours debating in my head whether or not he was thinking about what had happened. Was he confused? Is he angry about it? Does he think i'm a total weirdo now? What if he wants to break up already since I couldn't even kiss him?

Maybe I better do a little damage control or at least test the waters and see if he's creeped out or something. I'll send him a text and see if he responds normally or not. I reach towards my night stand, grabbing my phone off the top and bringing it back to my body.

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