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I went to school just like any other day, although today was unlike anything I had ever experienced. I always had Harry with me to get me through the day. It was very different today with him gone at his audition.

I didn't spend very much time paying attention to my lessons. I was pretty distracted all day, waiting for Harry to text me and tell me how he did.

Eventually I got a text from him asking me to call him. It was in the middle of my english class so I needed an excuse to leave.

"Excuse me miss, can I use the restroom?" I asked my teacher.

She looked up from her desk and said "Sure".

I nearly sprinted down the hall to the bathroom. I couldn't wait to hear the news. This call could change my whole life. It especially could change Harry's too.

I pushed the bathroom door open as fast as I could and bolted into the first stall. While dialling Harry's number as quickly as possible, I realized I still didn't know what news I was hoping for. Of course I would be extremely happy for him if he made it but also the selfish part of me doesn't want anything to change between us.

Harry picked up almost immediately. "Hello, Harry" I said. "Hey Angel. How was your day?" He asked. "Shut up Harry, quit stalling and tell me what happened" I said impatiently. "Ok ok, I made it through. Two out of three votes" he said sounding very proud of himself.

"No way!! Congratulations, I knew you could do it! This is so exciting" I exclaimed.

"Thank you so much Angel".

We talked for a few more minutes but soon enough I realized my bathroom break was running a little long. "Harry I really have to get back to class, i'm sorry but i'm so happy for you" I said.

"Thank you. I'll talk to you soon, bye" Harry said.


I ran even faster back to class than I did before. If I was late, I would surely get a detention.

Thankfully when I got back to class the teacher didn't seem to notice that I was gone for so long.

The next few days felt like the longest school days that I had ever endured. Harry always made school so much more enjoyable. So without him here it really sucked.

Harry always kept me updated with what was going on. He told me all about boot camp. He said they had to learn a dance with an improv section. Harry's an awful dancer so I can't imagine that going very well.

He said this one guy named Zayn didn't want to do the dancing so he sat out for awhile. Eventually Simon Cowell had to go get him and make him do it. Which from what i've seen of Simon Cowell on television sounds like a terrible encounter to have with him.

He also told me about everyone he had met. Of course Harry had made new friends immediately after showing up at X Factor.

I spent a lot of my time on edge, waiting for Harry to tell me news. One day I finally got a text from him with news about the competition.

Harry's text said "they didn't put me through boot camp :("

I responded "I'm so sorry to hear that but I know you'll make it one day, this is what you were born to do. I can feel it. You can call me if you need to talk."

Harry answered "don't really feel like talking on the phone right now but thanks"

I knew not wanting to talk on the phone was code for Harry was crying. I hate to think that he was so upset and I couldn't talk to him and make him feel better. He always helped me when I was feeling down, I wish I could do the same now.

I couldn't believe they didn't put him through. Harry is the most talented singer I know and deserved it more than anyone. He really was born for the stage.

About thirty minutes later I got another text from Harry. It said "I've got big news, please call"

I called him right away. "Harry, hey what's up" I asked. "They've decided to put me in a group with four other guys, so I've made it past boot camp now" he said. "Oh my god! No way! Congratulations Harry that's awesome!" I yelled excitedly.

This was so perfect. It was Harry's second chance to prove he was good enough. He was going to show them all they made a mistake cutting him in the first place. It was a miracle.

I bet Anne and Gemma were so excited right then. I couldn't wait to talk to Anne and ask her all about it. She was Harry's number one supporter.

"Who are you talking to Harry? Your girlfriend?" I heard someone yell from the other line. "Oh be quiet and let me talk on the phone, will you?" Harry said angrily. "Sorry about that" he said to me apologetically. "That's ok. It's about dinner time though so i'll let you go Harry, call me tomorrow, I miss you" I said. "Goodbye Angel. I'll talk to you soon. Miss you too" Harry said.

"Oh Angel, so it is a girlfriend" someone said from Harry's end.

"It's her name idiot" Harry said and then ended the call.

Harry sounded really mad about whoever was saying that on the other line. It's kind of weird because Harry isn't a hostile person. He's nice to everyone. Even people who don't like him, not that there's many people who don't like him.

As weeks past and Harry's group moved on, I missed Harry more and more. I really needed my best friend here with me.

They named their group One Direction and there were four members plus Harry. Their names are Niall, Louis, Zayn and Liam. Harry said he would bring them to Holmes Chapel one day so I could meet them.

Whenever Harry called me, they all talked to me on the phone as well. They're very funny guys. Also they're really cute too. I've kind of developed a thing for Niall. He's blonde and really sweet. Harry says it's a bad idea for me to act on it though. I guess he must know something about Niall that I don't know.

They've been doing really well. Harry says they get along quite well for five guys who only just met. They're voices compliment each other very nicely. One Direction has gained at lot of fans too. It's kind of crazy to see all these strangers adoring Harry. He definitely deserves it but still strange.

Now that it's getting down to the final weeks of the competition, Harry seems much more nervous than he was to audition. Before his most recent performance he said he "wasn't sure if they were good enough". I know they definitely were. I've been waiting on news for the outcome of the performance for two hours. Finally my phone was ringing. I looked down and saw that it was Harry.

Very excitedly I picked up the phone. "Hello" I said. "Hey Angel, i've got bad news unfortunately we didn't make it." Harry said sadly. "Oh Harry, i'm so sorry" I said. Before I could get another word in he said "it's alright though because they wanna make us a real band. They've offered us a record deal".

"No way Harry, that's great! Congrats!" I yelled joyfully. "Yeah I know it's amazing, i've made it" he said. "Yes you did" I assured him. "i'll see you soon, I promise ok Angel" Harry responded. "I miss you, talk to you soon, bye" I said.
"Goodbye" Harry said sadly.

I don't know why he was so sad saying goodbye. This has to be the greatest moment of his life. I guess he just misses me too.

I could never imagine Harry missing me. He can do so much better than me. I'm not someone people usually miss.

Just then I got a notification on my phone from an unknown number. I opened my phone to look at the message. It was a video of Harry. The video was of Harry talking on the phone. I assume it was with me because he said "goodbye" the same way he said to me.

After saying bye someone with him said "all done talking to your girlfriend?" and Harry answered "she's not my girlfriend and you know that". Then another voice said "you just wish she was".

"Shut up" Harry responded.

That was weird. One of the boys from Harry's group must've sent it to me. They probably got my number from Harry's phone. Whatever, i'm sure it's nothing.

I go to bed wondering if Harry actually will ever come back home to visit. I know he's kind enough too but i'm sure now that he has a record deal, he'll be way to busy to. I guess if I can't see Harry i'll just have to hang out with Gemma instead.

I like spending time with her. She's very funny and a lot of fun.

Let's just hope Harry doesn't forget about me and finds time to visit.

I know this chapter moves really fast but I have the attention span of a squirrel lol sorry.

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