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  This morning there was no interruption to our sleep. Harry and I woke up around eleven. Anne wasn't home because she had to work today, leaving Harry and I by ourselves for the day. We already got out of bed and got ready for the day. We are now sitting at the kitchen island eating breakfast together.

"So what do you wanna do today?" Harry turns to me and asks in between spoonfuls of cereal.

"Up to you popstar" I answer smirking at him.

Harry looked at me unamused with my comment but he ignored it and continued. "Cmon we've got the whole day to ourselves. What do you feel like doing?"

"I'm here all the time. You're not so what did you miss doing the most?" I ask.

"Hanging out with you" Harry says smiling.

I glared at him, not impressed with his statement. "Harry!" I say angrily. "What do you wanna do?"

Harry laughs at my persistence. "I'm serious! I don't care what I do today as long as i'm doing it with you."

"You're really annoying you know that?" I tease him.

"Mhmm" Harry smirks.

"Well if you're not going to give your input then how about we just hang out here?" I ask him.

"Sounds perfect" He answers.

"Yeah whatever" I roll my eyes at him.

Harry finished his cereal so he got up with his bowl and brought it over to the sink. "Wanna go outside and kick around a football?" He asks while rinsing his bowl out.

"Hmm" I hum thinking about his offer while Harry walks back towards the kitchen island. "That sounds like fun. But I take football much more serious than just 'kicking a ball around' just so you know" I say.

"Oh is that right?" Harry questions smirking at me. "Is that a challenge Angel?"

I stand up with my empty bowl and place it in the sink. I rinse it out while saying "I'm a very competitive person Mr. Styles."

"Mr. Styles? Very formal" He walks up to me smiling.

"Yep. Is that a problem Mr. Styles?" I question him as he walks closer.

"I thought I was 'popstar'?" He asks me.

"You are but I can't call you that all the time. Soon it will get to your head and i'm not a fan of feeding that big ego of yours."

"Hmm I see" Harry hummed. "Shall we go outside and settle this then?"

"Sounds like a plan popstar" I answer skipping by him and tapping his shoulder. Harry smirks at his nickname.

We leave the kitchen and walk out to the backyard walking next to each other. Harry leaves me standing in the yard and runs up to the small shed. He pulls on the handle but it won't open. I walk up next to him in front of the shed and look at the handle.

"Harry it's locked you idiot" I point out teasing him.

"Hey!" Harry says defensively. "Sometimes it's not so I had to check!"

"Ok well you checked so what now?" I ask.

"I have to get the key"

"Why do you even need to go in the shed?" I ask him.

"The footballs in there" Harry points out acting like it was obvious. "Now who's the idiot?"

"Oh shut up and go get the key" I playfully slap his shoulder.

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