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  At some point last night, maybe there was a pause in our conversation, or maybe we were just too tired and overestimated our ability to stay awake all night, whatever it was, Harry and I had fallen asleep. Unfortunately this meant two things for us. We missed our opportunity to stay up and spend all night together because we probably wouldn't see each other for a while after this, and we had slept out on the lawn all night.

As I sit up, stretching my arms up above me, I feel the resulting effects of sleeping outside on the grass. It is safe to say that I am sore. Of course this would have been expected after spending a night on the hard ground with no pillow, but we obviously didn't plan on sleeping out here.

I hear harry groan and turn to look down at him, relaxing my tired muscles.

"I'm not fully awake yet. Need more sleep." He complains, reaching his arms up towards me, signalling he wants me to lay back down with him.

I roll my eyes at him. "Harry we're on the lawn. We can't just go back to sleep out here."

"I don't care." He keeps his eyes closed and arms out as he speaks to me. "Just hold me."

"Fine." I huff and lay back down, wrapping my arms around his body and pulling myself into his side. I rest my head up at his shoulder, with my face in his neck. His arms pull me as close as possible and he holds me up to himself tightly.

"Better." His deep morning voice rasps.

"Whatever, just get that sleep you were talking about." I tease him.

Harry laughs lightly before we both return back to silence. I assume Harry is attempting to fall back asleep. I close my eyes, trying to do the same as well. I really am still very tired so it may not be that difficult to fall back to sleep on the hard ground. Despite the uncomfortableness. Of course I have Harry's shoulder to use as a pillow where as Harry has his head right on the ground. My neck is already sore from last nights sleep on Harry's chest so I can't imagine how much pain his neck and rest of his body are in.

My attempt at sleeping is interrupted when Harry speaks "I shouldn't have given you my sweater. It's cold out here." He shivers to emphasize what he is saying.

"What a true gentleman you are eh." I laugh at him.

Harry scoffs "for the record, yes, I am a gentleman." He says very seriously before continuing "but it's really cold out here. Can we go inside?" I let out a breathy laugh at Harry's silliness before nodding against his chest in order to answer his question.

"Cmon then, i'm freezing." Harry says sitting up and pulling my body up with him. We break apart from our tight hug so we can stand separately. I get up bending my knees to stand up next to Harry, who's already up.

I begin walking towards the house, Harry following close behind before he suddenly passes me looking very cheery. Harry is skipping to the door. I throw my head back, laughing loudly and Harry soon turns to see me and laughs along with me. He continues to skip gleefully towards the door. He stops once he reaches the house's entrance, waiting for me to join him. As I arrive, shortly behind him, Harry opens the door and gestures for me to walk inside before him.

"Thank you." I say quietly.

"Wow, opening doors for pretty ladies seems like something a gentleman would do, doesn't it?" Harry says sarcastically, widening his eyes, as he steps through the threshold as well. I try not to blush at his compliment. "Well a true gentleman would open a door for a lady whether she's pretty or not." I tease him, poking his chest lightly. "Every lady is pretty, let's be honest here." He responds with a smug grin on his face.

"I guess I underestimated you. You're definitely a gentleman." I chuckle lightly.

Harry smirks "you shouldn't misjudge me. I'm a beloved popstar with incredible gentleman like qualities." He starts walking down the hallway towards his bedroom and I follow close behind.

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