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  around a year and a half later

  My loud alarm forcefully removes me from my peaceful sleep. I jerk around on the bed before sitting up abruptly. Turning to face my blaring cellphone, I tap the screen quickly, silencing the alarm. Huffing, I fall back onto my mattress. I spread my limbs in a large stretch, trying to wake up my body. When I think of what day it is today, a large toothy smile finds its way across my face.

I'm so excited for today.

Despite my typical hate for waking up, once I remember my plans for the day, I'm happy and can't wait to immediately get a start on my day.

Today Harry and Andrew are finally going to meet. I've been trying to get the two of them in the same place pretty much since Andrew and I started dating. However Harry has obviously been incredibly busy and Andrew hasn't had very much enthusiasm when it comes to the topic of him and Harry meeting.

It feels like One Direction can't stop making music or going on tour. The boys' lives have gotten even more insanely busy since the last time I saw them. I didn't have a chance to visit Harry at all during his last two tours, Take Me Home and Where We Are. Plus the boys have put out a another whole album since my previous visit. But thankful now that the recent tour is finished, Harry made time to come visit me at school.

And as for Andrew, I'm not really sure what his hesitation for meeting Harry is but I've finally coaxed him into agreeing so I don't care but the reason is, seeing as currently I'm very happy. Andrew says he does want to meet the people that are important to me but he definitely has some negative preconceived notion about Harry that stops him from wanting to get to know him. Maybe he's just scared that Harry won't approve of him or something since he's my best friend and his opinion matters to me greatly.

Unfortunately they're not meeting until later today when the three of us go out for dinner. I have a class today, which I should actually be getting ready for right now.

With that in mind I finally will myself to get off the bed, standing up and walking to my closet. I try to remain as quiet as possible so as to not wake up my roommate (if my alarm didn't already). I pick out an outfit quickly, putting it on before taking off to the bathroom so I can brush my teeth. Once I'm completely ready I grab my nap sack and head off to class.


The ringing phone in my pocket interrupts my walk home from class.  I reach into my pants pocket, grabbing the device and quickly putting it up to my ear after swiping across the screen,  answering the call.

"Hello" I say happily into the phone.

"Hey. What do I have to wear to this thing?" Andrew sounds irritated on the other line. I just take that as he's getting antsy because he's nervous for dinner tonight.

I think for a moment about the restaurant Harry picked out. I tried to plan dinner myself, but Harry insisted on taking care of everything for me. I was relieved to be honest though, it's like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I was already so nervous for them to meet that Harry picking the restaurant for me was very helpful.

"Dress nice, it's not really a casual place." I answer.

Andrew groans "seriously? Why'd you pick somewhere fancy?" I feel like I can physically see the annoyance on his face just from hearing him through the phone.

"I already told you, Harry picked the restaurant and come on it's not that bad, you don't really hate dressing up that much do you?" I ask hoping to ease his discomfort for dressing fancier than he typically would.

"I'm more of a t-shirt and jeans kind of guy." Andrew responds as I step into the hallway my room is in.

Walking closer to my door I say "I know you are but it's just one night and if it helps, i'm really looking forward to seeing you dressed up." I hear Andrew huff as I begin unlocking the door to my room. "I've gotta go but I'll see you soon alright."

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