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The crowd was going wild. They were definitely enjoying themselves. Of course the boys are very talented and entertaining so it makes sense.

It's really strange to see everyone there to watch Harry perform. Pretty crazy if you think about how that's my best friend up on the stage that's gained this large fan base. Almost doesn't feel real.

Just under a year ago we were in english class together laughing and trying to do anything but our class work. Now Harry is up on that stage and i'm watching him perform for thousands of fans.

As much as I miss how simple life was before X Factor and One Direction, I couldn't be happier for Harry and the life he has achieved.

Watching him perform is almost magical. He really was born to do this. I guess he always was a star.

Soon One Direction was playing their final song.

Anne, Gemma and I cheered as loud as we could once it was finished.

"Wow they really were incredible!" Anne said. "I definitely agree with that" Gemma responded. "Yeah they were amazing! I'm so glad we got to see them!" I said.

"Cmon let's get back there so we can see the band and finally take Harry home" Anne said excitedly. "Ok" both me and Gemma said at the same time.

We weaved through the large crowd to find our way to the backstage entrance. There sure were a lot of people in this place. It'll probably take us ten minutes just to get there.

Eventually we ran into a security guard and asked them to direct us backstage.

The guard led us through the crowds towards the door. Stopping once we reached the entrance. "Right through here" they said.

"Thank you so much" Anne said to them.

We walked through the door and down the hallway we had been through just a couple hours ago. This seems like the type of place you'd get lost in. It's like a maze back here with all the different hallways and doors.

Eventually we found our way to Harry's dressing room. Gemma knocked on the door.

"Come on in" Harry said from inside.

Gemma turned the knob and pushed the door open until we saw Harry standing next to a snack table. He was stuffing his face with cookies.

When he noticed it was us, a large smile appeared on his face and he put the cookies in his hand down on the table beside him.

"Hey! How was the show?" Harry asked after swallowing the large amount of cookie in his mouth.

"Oh Harry you were incredible! Best concert i've ever been to!" Anne said while reaching out to give Harry a hug. She was quickly followed by Gemma saying "Yes it was a really great show!"

"Thank you guys so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it!" Harry said and then looked at me and asked "What about you Angel. What did you think?"

"I loved it! You were really amazing Harry." I responded.

Harry blushed and smiled at me.

Harry quickly turned away from me and said "Well I guess you should come meet the boys then".

"Great we cannot wait to meet them" Anne said. Harry led us out of his dressing room and down the hallway to a much larger dressing room. Each of the boys had their own dressing room as well as a large one for them to share.

"Knock knock" Harry said while pushing open the dressing room door. Inside sat Liam and Zayn on two black leather couches. "Hey! You guys must be Harry's family" Liam said watching us as we walked into the dressing room.

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